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Everything posted by simonsays

  1. this thread man. the only thing to do these days is go straight to the most recent post and you'll see if anything has happened. If this is the current most recent post i can tell you fuck all has changed
  2. My dad says the exact same thing pretty much whenever we talk about strikers
  3. Thats what being a supporter is all about man you support through thick and thin. By doing so I've seen good times and bad times. Urgh, Are you trying not to listen and understand? By paying money to Mike Ashley you are part of the problem. I will always be a Newcastle United supporter but i wont be supporting Mike Ashley with my money. If you just want to go to the game on a Saturday then fair enough, but please dont try to make out that by cheering on our players you are somehow going to help the team do better or progress - to do that the club requires an owner with ambition and some motivation other than a quick profit.. I'd wager that 99% of those on here who are boycotting the club would happily come back into the fold in the Championship, League 1 or League 2 under new owners that wanted the best for the club
  4. Getting a season ticket for the mighty Dorking Wanderers.
  5. This is actually happening then?
  6. To what end? Being shown up (again) as a company that doesnt have sufficient funds to complete a deal? Not the best PR.
  7. aluminum carbonate formula mass He only got two, didn't he? Cross-shot at the Mackems and one that squirmed in against Atromitos. He could only really score em against Given. Did he not score one at Scunthorpe? Pretty sure he got one away to Crystal Palace too
  8. It would be US dollars though, no? So £22m might be about right.
  9. Definitley - i like him but his performances at the world cup reminded me exactly the sort of player he is. Scoring goals in the championship is one thing, but he's never going to be prolific enough in the premier league to make up fior his lack of pace and mobility.
  10. And there was me thinking I couldn’t find him any more detestable
  11. Henry Winter seems to think it’s all down to Shelveys refusal to play for the U21s. Pretty pathetic if true.
  12. simonsays


    looks like they manage to keep their seats redder than Sunderland
  13. simonsays

    Winter Break

    Another move only thinking about premier league clubs. The income receievd from FA cup replays can provide a massive boost for clubs in the lower leagues. Think of poor Sunderland!
  14. I wonder if he will have a case for constructive dismissal like Keegan?
  15. it will no doubt be that WBA will be willing to pay him something extra (as Swansea were with Abraham) and we wont match it
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