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Everything posted by simonsays

  1. Yep, can do. It looks like the draft is due to start at 9.30. Is that right?
  2. Do we have a full 10 in group C now?
  3. I'm not sure there has ever been a player less likely to be wanted by Rafa Benitez.
  4. simonsays


    Thye have been given permission to speak to Simon Grayson. EDIT - and Giggs, it seems
  5. If it means he is going to get more playing time then it is probably the best move for his career. I think he would have been useful here but I have always had misgivings about developing another clubs prospects.
  6. Isco is such a good footballer, great to watch
  7. It means Tammy Abraham is ready to play in the premier league and Adam Armstrong isn't. Not to say he never will be but I think his displays on loan in the championship compared to those of Abraham show the gulf between them
  8. I can’t see them letting Griezzman going then! Big Rom to Man Utd now! Hes got a release clause though, hasn't he?
  9. I imagine they will be in for Marco Silva
  10. Underwhelming to say the least. Not sure i would call it underwhelming - both Gray and King have had their best seasons and are young enough to improve. They both also seem to have a lot of the attributes that Rafa requires from his forward players. I understand why it is more appealing to go for a potentially exciting player from another league, but i think in our position I would be looking to go for players who have experience of the league.
  11. Sorry if Giggs but Man U have had a £72m bid for Mbappe rejected.
  12. Like Colback? Why get behind s*** players? Cos they're the ones we've got and we want them to do as well as possible to get like promoted and that Plus he works hard, right? No - just the reasons i said. It's a matter of principle. You might disagree. Go on then, explain how criticising him on a message board is going to have any influence? Booing your players is one thing, but picking fault with them after a s*** season is another. It doesn't, but then again supporting him on a forum doesn't make a difference either. For what its worth i think he had a pretty good 1st half to the season, but i think the pressure has got to him and he has started to make a lot of mistakes. Some of the hyperbole on here about how bad he is is pretty riduclous.
  13. Anyone can make a mistake, but the officials were talking amongst themselves for ages, surely they could have gone back and changed their minds?
  14. So thick, man. I imagine some of the fee might have been based on appearances and achievements, but the idea that they can sell him at them end of the season and only give us £7m is laughable
  15. Would you care to offer an explanation for our move to a more direct style?
  16. I think in footballing terms at least both definitions are required - Steve Claridhe being the archetypal journeyman footballer who has played for loads of clubs at all levels and always been bang average.
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