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Everything posted by simonsays

  1. I know people like him because of his pressing, but i dont think i have ever seen a more one footed player. Must be so easy to play against.
  2. I mainly like him because number 4 is correct for a defensive midfielder. Fuck off with all this number 6 shite.
  3. I hope everyone is ready for the inevitable 11 minutes of injury time
  4. Cant wait until we are winning everything and all the refs want to be our best friend
  5. The Athletic are saying £45.5m!
  6. simonsays

    João Pedro

    Similar price to what we had agreed for Ekiteke. Perhaps he doesn't have the same potential but he has experience of the league, is settled in the country and seems to be keen on the move. If Eddie likes him, I'm happy.
  7. simonsays

    João Pedro

    Are the bids for two strikers a sign that Eddie Howe is looking at moving back to the 4-4-1-1 he used at Bournemouth? Or at least to give us that option.
  8. How would you know what he does all the time when you joined 15 minutes ago. Seriously - what is wrong with you?
  9. Could easily just be tactical from our side - showing we are prepared to walk away from a deal if agents/clubs/players move the goal posts
  10. That males more sense, ta!
  11. Also, how do the clauses contribute to ffp? If we have a clause that Riems get an extra 10m if we qualify for Europe does that amount only get taken into accounting terms once that condition is met? Im sure there are lots of clever accounting tricks that can be used in order to circumvent the ffp rules - the fact that all our proposed deals are widely reported to be very complicated structurally suggests that we are attempting to use all of these methods
  12. If it makes no difference why is it being reported that the club are trying to structure deals in such a way to assist with FFP? Is it just poor reporting? Im not having a go at anyone, im just trying to get my head round it.
  13. Hu always knew teamsheets before they were released
  14. Love a cryptic Ando message.
  15. How was Wilson's injury record at Bournemouth?
  16. I dont care if he's the biggest twat on the planet. I still love him. Shearer that is, not Steve Bacon
  17. Sounds great in principle, but goalkeeper is unlike any other position. They just dont get rotated, other than for cup games. You're either first choice, or you're on the bench
  18. Which other premier league teams have two good goalkeepers? There always seems to be a massive gulf between first and second choice, even at the very top teams. The backup.keeper at city, for example, has always looked terrible whenever ive seen him play
  19. Is it wrong that I even want to see Sunderland give his team a hiding next season?
  20. How the hell is Brandon Williams on 65k!
  21. I'm happy with a left back rated good enough for Simeone's Athletico.
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