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Everything posted by Decky

  1. http://freespace.virgin.net/bobbing.cardiffcity/images/steve_bruce.jpg
  2. Not a big enough name for some fans, he would be booed after his first defeat
  3. Decky

    I've been robbed

    Sorry man......... mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif
  4. Decky

    I've been robbed

    Sat surrounded by a pub full of glory hunting Mancs today, only Newcastle fan in the place, only one wearing my colours anyway, as the goals went in i felt nothing, ive lost faith, i need something to get it back, i hope to god when i go to the Boro home game in 3 weeks order will be restored, ive never felt such nothingness for Newcastle since ive started supporting them, i just dont care anymore TBH lads realistically out of who we can appoint next i hope its Shearer, passion would be restored, it would be Keegan mark 2, at least to begin with. Howay the lads
  5. Surrounded by glory hunting manure fans, i feel like killing myself
  6. Decky

    Official Statement

    Wonder who the other candidates are, if Harry was their first choice and he said no that is very worrying.
  7. http://www.hitzfeldforthetoon.info/index.html WTF Is this run by the same guys on here who made it when Souness was sacked?
  8. whats not to believe ? Just hasnt sunk in yet, didnt expect it to happen so soon and it came out of the blue i'll get you a blanket Dont get you mate
  9. whats not to believe ? Just hasnt sunk in yet, didnt expect it to happen so soon and it came out of the blue
  10. Still cant believe Sam is gone tbh
  11. Decky

    Paul Merson

    Always seemed like a decent guy when ive seen him on telly
  12. I am declaring as of now in an exclusive to the mongs on Newcastle-online.com, that I want the job!
  13. Yeah but Roeder is poo and im trying to sound hopeful saying Roeder shits all over my point!
  14. Shearer would be really interesting, he would be the first manager since Bobby that fully understands the club and the fans, before Bobby was Keegan, it could work.
  15. The only official announcements made are those from Pompey denying it all, its just media hype and hype from the bookies, here Harry himself said he has had no contact: http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_3038850,00.html Case closed imo, Lippi said this week he wants back into football so i will pin my deluded hopes on that
  16. If its Shearer or Harry id have Shearer
  17. http://smf.citymancs.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=ls4u8nu92qs8dob889bv7ishr4&topic=8163.0 Would love it to be true, but bollocks obviously
  18. Im really worried that Redknapp might be happy to talk to Oliver and then all of a sudden hes back in the loop, could our bubble burst anymore?
  19. Anelka and Drogba up front, with Shev waiting in the wings
  20. Oh god that has cheered me up ALOT mackems.gif
  21. Decky

    If it's Redknapp?

    He will start the job with the fans already 50/50 on him, he needs to hit the ground running with wins as anything else and the fans WILL immediately turn, this is far from impressive, its up to him now to put egg on faces.
  22. He will be booed at SJP tbh and Jamie will attack us like there is no tomorrow the cunt
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