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Everything posted by Decky

  1. "For the first time in his 15-month spell at Newcastle, Roeder faced calls for his sacking on Saturday"
  2. What do you do now? with Roeder practically gone do you change your mind?
  3. I think the fact that we have heard nothing apart from that theres been a meeting proves we cant release anything until Tuesday
  4. Being a PLC can we actually sack him today?
  5. Why does it say on NewsNow: Roeder Sacked - Newcastle-Online 19:20 Yet theres no story at the link
  6. SSN are blatantly sitting on this, they arnt releasing anything until the who title race thing dies down abit. They released about the meeting about an hour after Five Live
  7. Its been confirmed on Setanta now
  8. http://breakingnews.iol.ie/sport/story.asp?j=218478054&p=zy847876x&n=218478814&t=soccer Its on SSN now
  9. Eurosport: http://www.eurosport.com/football/premiership/2006-2007/sport_sto1172789.shtml
  10. He is gone: http://www.newsnow.co.uk/newsfeed/?name=Newcastle+United
  11. WTF was that on FiveLive with the Chelsea fan singing
  12. The breaking new banner on SSN is: Fergusion: "its a fantasic day for the club" no shit
  13. Im just waiting for some cockney to come on now claiming to be a Manure fan saying its a great day
  14. They mentioned it now on FiveLive, saying they have been told Roeder is gone, not sure who told them, but they want people to ring in about the thought of Allardyce becoming manager, some WUM said he would rather Souness came back
  15. Some guy talking about Southampton now on FiveLive
  16. Maybe its just crisis talks? didnt Souness get called to SJP a few times along with Shearer to talk about their next move? also what if Roeder pleas his case? i cant see anything happening. Shepherd loves the limelight and with Man Utd getting it all today he prob wont sack Roeder until next week IF he is going to do it at all.
  17. I suppose we will know before 7 whats happening. Although would he get sacked at like 7 on a Sunday? Monday morning seems more like the time surely?
  18. Is Roeder crying? http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a37/deckym88/roeder.jpg
  19. Scouse contingent coming on SSN now about our game, will be interesting
  20. You have to wonder why? They may not have wanted to boo and that's fair enough but clap? Clueless kids id imagine
  21. We wont finish any higher than 12th now
  22. Shepherd if he has any sense should be on the phone to Big Sam within the next hour tbh
  23. People are walking out of the stadium already, how can Shepherd want Roeder here next year?
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