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Everything posted by Decky

  1. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w137/dianenchris/new-strip.jpg
  2. What about Nani and Anderson? Also isnt Robben the same age as Oba?
  3. Decky

    Relegation odds

    Thank God Dave sorted out that capital letter eh poor grammer Vic will not be tolerated!
  4. Decky

    St James' Park

    The Freddy Shepherd Tribute Plaza
  5. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1033112,00.html
  6. I thought they already had him, bought him for £1 or something because Roman owns him
  7. why? Close friend of his apparently.
  8. I still cant see him leaving because i cant see the top 4 coming in for him, but for £9million im starting to change that frame of mind, anyone could go for him now, Arsenal would badly need him as would Liverpool. Chelsea and Manure would both probably fancy it for that price aswell especially since Manure had a 25mill bid for Eto rejected today.
  9. Uri Geller is on SSN talking about Ben Haim's future
  10. Just been on SSN that if a club bids £9million that Sam cant stop Owen going. It sounds like Owen said if a club bids that money for him he will consider leaving.
  11. What a free signing to add to our other free signings.
  12. That would be madness but possible. The thing i stuggle with is regardless if they dont have a say in releasing Beckham for England, they are paying 500k a week for him and he will get millions from LA for being here and playing in a different team.
  13. Just been on SSN that the rest of Englands games clash with LA Galaxy games, not just any games though there are some derby games in there, there are games where England and LA play on the same day, there are also games only a day apart from each other. So its obvious he cant do both, will LA react if Beckham chooses country over club? this will be interesting.
  14. Some laugh if they got relegated, what would poor Scotty do then
  15. Vic i honestly dont know how you stay so positive and happy all the time.
  16. So Vic you getting his name and number on the new away kit then?
  17. I would be furious if Sam got sacked after his first year, it would be ridiculous, im more excited about what he will do more than all of the changes at the minute, Newcastle is a FOOTBALL club not just a business and Sam knows his football, let him sort out our shambles of a squad and setup first, that is the first step to our new look club.
  18. Another good move for us then, also might open the door to Wenger in the future.
  19. I like the Blackburn ones
  20. The 2nd meeting could be contract talks
  21. So whats that then? Nani --- Anderson --- Hargreaves --- Ronaldo or Giggs --- Scholes --- Carrick --- Richardson With Anderson in a forward role I despise Man Utd, soley for the glory hunting scum bags i know, im gonna be f***ing sick next season. Ashley wants us to win the league? Man Utd are in another universe to us.
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