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Everything posted by Decky

  1. the final is in Glasgow this year isnt it? would be perfect for us really, just up the road and just accross the water for me
  2. Decky

    colin murray

    One of those guys was John Barnes
  3. Decky

    thought as much...

    Anyway mate to be honest, what can we do about it? someone will always take our seat at games, protesting gets us nowhere, Shepherd can sit in his office for the rest of his life and make millions as can his next of kibling and theirs, its business mate, we CAN do something but we need everyone behind us, everyone as in all the fans, hardly anyone buying products and going to games, but that wont happen. Right now we cant do anything, but just put up with what we have.
  4. Decky

    thought as much...

    thread of the year tbh
  5. Decky

    When Will We Learn

    Merge the manager threads tbh
  6. No he wont, althought FS may sack him but make it look like Roeder resigns to have his dignity, he deserves that at least because of last year
  7. Why do we fall apart when we conceed? fucking disgraceful, Roeder has to go lads, he has to he is clueless and isnt motivating the squad
  8. what is it with Roeder and finishing 7th one season and going down the next? granted he wasnt all responsible for the relegations with previous clubs but he was the manager, maybe he has some sort of curse?
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