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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. Swissmag

    José Mourinho

    It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy. wouldn't want that arrogant twat to manage NUFC
  2. Swissmag

    José Mourinho

    It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy. Mourinho would also struggle with a midtable team...or why do you think he never managed one?
  3. Swissmag

    José Mourinho

    got it...it's fine to play negative stuff as long as you're winning :-(
  4. Swissmag

    José Mourinho

    What a terribly braindead thing to say. why?
  5. Swissmag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Not in the training pictures as far as I can see he's in Milan of course He'll just be in the canteen, chill. :-)
  6. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    I wish I'd never took a half day now. Less stressful at work. What did you expect? Nothing. As above I didn't take time off for deadline day, just happens there isn't much to do this afternoon but get frustrated at the tossers running our football club. What a shitty coincidence then... ;-)
  7. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    I wish I'd never took a half day now. Less stressful at work. What did you expect?
  8. Would take that, so long as the money is reinvested in the summer. This just has to be a joke
  9. Swissmag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Not in the training pictures as far as I can see he's in Milan of course
  10. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    Our players get linked away every window, it's because we have a good team. Like it or not but Ashley has built a good team here, then once they hit a standard worthy of champions league football, we say they are too good for us and will leave. The fact we have a good handful of these players whilst other clubs maybe have one or two if they are lucky, shows how good our team really is. Ashley built the team? I thought the fat f***er is useless...but hats off for his scouting skills then Well i'd say Roman built Chelsea, the Arabs built Man City...i wouldn't look into their chief scout and heap the praise. Ashley is the one who has put the money in for the majority of players we have now and is paying their wages. He's done excellent for the money he has spent to assemble such a team. There's just still many other factors to why he's still hated here and rightly so imo. debatable but I see where you're oming from. For me he just sanctioned cheap deals without having any clue. It was pure luck
  11. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    Our players get linked away every window, it's because we have a good team. Like it or not but Ashley has built a good team here, then once they hit a standard worthy of champions league football, we say they are too good for us and will leave. The fact we have a good handful of these players whilst other clubs maybe have one or two if they are lucky, shows how good our team really is. Ashley built the team? I thought the fat fucker is useless...but hats off for his scouting skills then
  12. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    yes, he'll not join us ;-)
  13. would definitely be too much to take
  14. I always hated Inter with a passion and loved Ben Arfa to the hilt...what a nightmare that would be!!! :-(
  15. this would definitely the icing on the cake! Tears, tears, tears
  16. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    We've a great squad according to you. I look forward to seeing how our great squad get on. See how they compete with the other great squads. Nestling among the other great squads come May. Hope you're right. You obviously have every confidence and i sincerely hope you're right. I don't think we need Cabaye to finish top 8, think we can cope without him and bring Ben Arfa in to the fold. How many clubs outside the top 6 could remove their best attacking player then replace with someone like Ben Arfa? We've got a good sqaud, not great the likes of Spurs but it's good and i wouldn't be swapping it for anyone outside of top 6, not even Everton. I'd swap their manager mind you hmmm
  17. you better prepare yourself for a massive workload ;-)
  18. You can only do that if the players club wants to sell and the player wants to come laughable
  19. To 8th, 3 points behind last years Champions, but aye, this is the worst it's ever been. wtf?
  20. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    that doesn't surprise me...sadly :-(
  21. Swissmag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Sorry, did not want to quote :-(
  22. Swissmag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If it is really true that the club did know for half-a-year that Cabaye is going to leave in Jan, why the hell did Pards not play Ben Arfa a bit more (as he should have known, that he might be his replacement)? And why the fuck did they not start the search earlier than at the end of January. This management is driving me mad!!!
  23. Swissmag

    Clément Grenier

    Sorry, can't put my hands up as I am too busy walloping the F5 button. :-)
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