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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. Swissmag


    Someone please tell me that this is a joke
  2. http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/friend-claims-anti-pardew-snowball-possibly-started-agent-somebody-australia-alan-pardew/
  3. Cundy definitely blames a Geordie for f***ing his wife or something, far too much bitterness and hatred towards us. Has always despised our fans and openly insulted them each and every show he has done since the 'Your on Sky Sports' days, thankfully hes on late at night where most dont have to hear his trolling. Goldstein even said to him last night "you've never liked Newcastle fans". He's definitely got a chip on his shoulder about us. What's amusing was his summing up of what makes a big club when if you think about it Chelsea have only become "big" on his terms because of the money of a rich Russian in recent years. He rolled about the usuals about Ashley being an astute businessman who has spent well and fans expecting too much blah, blah. If he actually read the facts he might stop bleat I so much rubbish. Absurd tanned, Chelsea idiot. He just shouts the usual bullshit cliches every time, has no interest in bothering to see anything above his distain for the fans. Jason Cunty then...
  4. Swissmag

    John Carver

    Where the fuck is Bellamy with his chair when really needed?
  5. Swissmag


    i am getting a bad headache from all that "we do have to support the team and "such a protest is contraproductive" stuff
  6. Had to re-read my post to understand what you were on about then same here. had to re-re-read to get it...but my excuse is that I am Swiss
  7. The same O. Bernard who wanted to leave NUFC for West Ham. Still laughing at that...
  8. A real gem by Kyle Uttershit http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/lot-make-almost-untenable-pardew-team/
  9. Email his agent and say we don't want him back. Please. Does that "we" refer to this forum?
  10. shouldn't say it...but definitely YES
  11. Absolutely. What a shitty argument for buying british. A manager with a brain would be enough...
  12. Swissmag


    Thanks for reading my post :-)
  13. nah, an egotistical c*** like him would always fall back on the "never give up" s*** and claim he was unfairly sacked, if his life is made so miserable by the paying fans that he's forced to tender his resignation and admit (a)defeat and (b) +50,000 people f***ing despise him and know he's a s*** manager then i'd derive so much more satisfaction from it when was the last time a manager was hounded out by fans in the PL by the way? f***ed if i can even remember one Ah, fair enough. I hear you. However, from my point of view, if he resigns, he'll spin it as unrealistic expectations from the fans, or because of us wanting Ben Arfa to play, or because he was a southerner, or some other jargon. I want him sacked so that the emphasis will be on how bad a job he did, because he's utter garbage, and the world deserves to know it. I think Pardew has an excuse for everything. If he's going to get the sack he'll blame the fans. And if he resigns he'll tell that the backing was not enough. Egoists like him will never learn. I don't give shit how he leaves tbh...but I'd be partying for weeks!
  14. totally agree. He has clearly been pardewed...another manager would have handled him well.
  15. then it must be only me who thinks that he trying to defend Pardew and blames the players instead... :-)
  16. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/peter-lovenkrands-alan-pardew-prides-7718120 probably a bit over the top with my comment, but at the moment I am really getting furious with anyone that defends our shitty manager. What's that "tablespoon" thing about? :-)
  17. Lovenkrands better shuts his trap...that useless piece of shit
  18. As if Pulis would walk out on a job for being messed around by the owner and then take a job where Mike Ashley is the owner. I would hate to see Pulis here. He's a step down from Pardew for sure No way, a side step probably, but I honestly cannot imagine any sort of step down from Pardew...
  19. Okay, that's it for me then. I'll stay in this forum as I really think the people on here do have real football/NUFC knowledge but I'll not watch any game until P45due gets the sack. Sad but...
  20. why avoiding any lies? He loves it and did it several times already
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