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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. To sack your manager one day after the transfer window without him doing anything wrong beats anything i've seen earlier. Ironicly it proves that all the Keegan Ashley fallout news were true Which makes us all look like idiots Which gives us the highest honour..we my friend..are a joke, and its not even a funny one. You forgot to say 'if this is true'. Mate, there's something going on one way or another. You forgot to say 'if this is true'. :-)))) I am a joke btw
  2. Think I'll actually cry if Keegan resigns/is sacked Same here. Sad but true...
  3. Nor sure how true it is, but last night Sky (David Craig) claimed the Barton deal was a swap deal with the other unnamed club, for another player (also unnamed). However, it fell through as to quote david craig "'they wanted £4m as well as the player", but it wasn't clear whether 'they' was us wanting £4m + a player for Barton, or if the other club wanted us to give them Barton + £4m for the other player. Suppose we'll never know. We wanted £4m for Barton, Pompey wouldn't pay it. We suggested £2m plus Diop. They weren't interested. Diop !! christ we're setting our sights high. Hmmm...
  4. No it won't Can you see the fans backing him if he does go? Yes, because they'll say that it is all about loyalty towards the club (and not towards single players/managers)... Unforgiveable if true.
  5. Swissmag

    back barton

    Speachless That comment is a disgrace! As much as I dislike Barton for what he did (off the pitch), i hate the frenchies covering each other all the time. FFS what if Beye tripped Fabregas for his tackling (the one who led to his yellow), which was AT LEAST as bad as Bartons?!?! Their supporters (and the press) would have gone mad... BTW Am I the only one who thinks, that it should have been a straight red card for Nasri?
  6. He's a bit old isn't he. Sebastian not Henrik... :-)
  7. Swissmag


    Given urged to keep stopping the ball going in his net Shock!!!! He gets paid for THAT!!!!!!!! Even worse, it looks like he's lifted the story straight off the official site! http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1371793,00.html you know its a slow day when you see stories like this, or even worse, when you see "Rob Lee Says Newcastle Need To Win" "Steven Taylor says fans can roar Toon to victory on Saturday." Accompanied by a photo of him pumping fist and/or throwing shirt at fans. Love Stevy T, He has the potential to be a great at Newcastle, loves the badge more than anyone else in the squad The punching the air and throwing the shirt is not an act with him, he genuinely loves the club, so get off his fukin back He was outstanding on Sunday, after sustaining an injury that 95% of players would have come off with. He will get better. Colo and Stevy 4 5 years he loves himself more than the badge if you ask me...
  8. Swissmag

    Juande Ramos

    They always play their best football against better oppositions, but lose points against weaker teams. Isn't it?
  9. I see... I was just frustrated somehow. Sorry mates. Won't happen again...
  10. Fuck me...I thought that this is a NUFC board. I don't give a shit about Tottenham tbh
  11. Swissmag

    Tiago on loan?

    So a line up of this would be better? Jonas Tiago Zoggy Duff Personally, I would go with this ------------------Martins---------------- Duff--------------Owen----------Jonas ----------Tiago-----------Barton------- Warnock---Faye----Coloccini---Beye Assuming we sign Tiago and Warnock of course! You're forgetting Eto'o man ...and Taiwo
  12. That's what I thought. Can't put a name to his face. Same here...
  13. WTF? Nothing new here on the Derdiyok front... Not mentioned in the press - so it seems to be bollox. Is he worth it would you say? He has bags of potential, but atm he's struggling to score on a regular basis in the Swiss League. All the rumour stuff has probably had some bad influence on his form. I would take the risk, but only at a relatively low price....
  14. WTF? Nothing new here on the Derdiyok front... Not mentioned in the press - so it seems to be bollox.
  15. Swissmag

    Taye Taiwo

    Is it true that an agreement has been reached regarding Derdiyok? There was definitely nothing in the swiss press. Unfortunately he's in a bad shape at the moment BTW. Not saying he couldn't develop further, but he's already struggling a bit (in the swiss league, which definitely isn't high standard).
  16. Swissmag

    Taye Taiwo

    Would be over the moon... :thup:
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