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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. tbf, there's not much written about this situation one way or another that isn't ridiculous hyperbole these days. "SHOOT ASHLEY IN THE FACE WITH A ROTTWEILER, SACK WISE, COME BACK KK", blah blah blah. It's all gotten rather boring. No, what's got boring is the fact that we have bent over and taken it up the arses from the club for the last 10 years or so. If you're genuinely classing the Newcastle United years 1998-2008 as "taking it up the arse" then ... I mean, I can't even respond to that. I really can't. There's so much wrong that it would be pointless. Tell us...
  2. tbf, there's not much written about this situation one way or another that isn't ridiculous hyperbole these days. "SHOOT ASHLEY IN THE FACE WITH A ROTTWEILER, SACK WISE, COME BACK KK", blah blah blah. It's all gotten rather boring. No, what's got boring is the fact that we have bent over and taken it up the arses from the club for the last 10 years or so. true
  3. they will you should change your username to mysticmag :-o
  4. He's a very passionate, guy, I think that's why Newcastle fans would probably take to him. Can't see us going for him though, probably a bit too volatile for Ashley to take on after what happened with Keegan. Do people on here actually believe, that there would be one good manager/coach who'll accept Mikeys way? I for one, don't think so...
  5. when do you turn 14? Come on, you are the guy who laughs about the most childish jokes on here... :-) If I had to bet on the youngest forum member, my money would be on you!
  6. Cannot help myself, but can't understand that blind loyalty at all. Supporting the players? Do you think they support Mikey. People argued the same way, after the appointment of Souness and Fat Sam... Did it help? No.
  7. but I am sure that Mikey will attract a top class manager, sorry COACH! :-(
  8. So, MA wanted to finance his movie with these sales... ;-) Seems like he's found another thing "to play with". Probably better. Sell on Mikey!!!
  9. Sepp Blatter with Uli Hoeness as his assistant...
  10. He'd be f***ing insane to give up Schalke to come here!! Or Hamburg for that matter!!! :-)
  11. Swissmag

    Dear Kevin Keegan

    For you it should be a bowl of: http://planetquo.net/Various/ritalin_o.jpg Now, that's funny :-))))
  12. No, not at all. I can understand his frustration, but as a pro you just have to focus on your football rather than the manager... Otherwise you're fucked anyway.
  13. This Perhaps, but the gulf between "the big four", particularly Manchester United and Chelsea, has got to the stage where you have to "do a Chelsea" to compete with them. It's a no brianer vast quantities of money increase the chances of success, success brings the world wide popularity and therefore the revenue. Oh I know it would be just skippy if we could carry on the way we are, gathering a team of quality hard working players and eventually after a number of years hope we have the strength to muster up an assault on the larger teams of this league, but lets face it, we're going to get left behind. Just look what's happened at Man City, and it will happen to other teams too. it's alright taking the moral high ground but if your taking two steps forward while everyone else is taking five then your going to get left behind. It will get to the stage where this league is divided into two types of football clubs, the financially elite and the honest also-rans, I know which group I want to be in. I would welcome a investor which is interested in football rather than business... Just hate the Abramovich, Thaksin and Sheik style. Would love a change to the rules. Limiting the number of transfers within the window or something.
  14. They were on the phone because of the Taiwo deal... ;-)
  15. I'd stick to the comedy routine about the club being 5 minutes from receivership before Ashley saved us and how well it's being run now if I were you. That's far more funny, and far less racist. No more racist than the we're going for an english sketch from goodness gracious me f***ing hell political correctness gone mad! bla bla bla
  16. I'd stick to the comedy routine about the club being 5 minutes from receivership before Ashley saved us and how well it's being run now if I were you. That's far more funny, and far less racist. Glad somebody beat me to it... What an unnecessary and unfunny comment
  17. You're joking?!?! :-0 About which part? Andy Carroll has proved nothing more to me than the fact that he's a human battering ram. Even when he went out on loan to the Championship, his record was pretty pathetic. Don't see why so many rate him tbh. Not said that I rate him, but there isn't a NUFC player which i wouldn't prefer to Smith. Even Shola is slightly "better"...
  18. Bollocks! I hate the little cockney t***, and it shows a total lack of understanding of NUFC and football in general that Ashley appointed him in the first place. sorry like, but that's as stupid a post as they come Sorry, but you are coming across like a horrible little twat... :-)))
  19. Why? I'd rather have our debt clear by some people who can actually handle clearing our debt - and then have some proper money to be spent on players. I bet Keegan would have f***ing loved it if he could be in charge of us with ambitious Arabs backing him up. No thanks!!! Not in a million years. This guy is ten time worse than Abramovitsch... Fucking money machines with no interest in football.
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