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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. I fuckin' hate Sepp Blatter... I am looking forward to the Bin Laden takeover... I am sure they have got something in mind for that corrupt little bastard! :-))))
  2. You're pessimism is just annoying...
  3. Cole, SWP and (Kalou or) Anelka would be interesting... Wouldn't want any of the others.
  4. Good to hear. But Maetihs said, he's crap... 8-0
  5. Money over first team football? Hardly. maybe he had confidence in his ability to get a first team spot. He was never going to get in a Chelsea team in front of Ballack, Makelele, Essien, Lampard, Mikel. That's not confidence, it's delusion. Well either way, he's clearly showing now that first team football does matter to him. So much so that his agent is already mentioning a loyalty bonus from Chelsea when he leaves? Seems exactly like a money-grabbing t*** to me. true.
  6. Quite interesting...for any Spud! :-)
  7. That means he had that thing in his pants for 189 games without using it :-)
  8. He looked more than decent to me. Their best player IMO. absolutely. he was outstanding...
  9. 30 years old, I'll live with that. same here...
  10. The question is whether he has the capability to change. I don't think he does and I don't think he really wants to. IMO we don't need to be associated with the likes of him and we should as painlessly as possible get rid. On what are you basing that assumption? From what you have read in the press, there is a whole thread devoted to what people think of them or have you spoken to him or his therapists councillors or whoever it is treating him for his anger management. Nobody has. Not even KK... So whats the point?
  11. Yes, you're right, unbelievable! How does it come, that you know everything about football??? Why don't you look for a job as tv pundit...you're definitely too intelligent to be an average forum user. Get yourself crowned...
  12. like I said earlier in the thread, nobody will be prepared to pay the 6M. He will leave for about 4M i can imagine. Still too much?
  13. The whole Swiss Team wasn't brillant. But he played very well IMO
  14. Barnetta anyday, Zhirkov too. Not so convinced about Behrami...
  15. Dunno but they seem happy. No, the majority is unhappy. Everyone who looks at it from a footballing point of view would like to keep him. Some think he's arrogant to be thinking about a move yet (those who are bitter, if you ask me)...
  16. Swissmag

    Oba And Out

    Blundering Idiot?
  17. Can you do me a favour just a little one and no I aint gonna tell you to f*** right off like a few on here. But can you think a little harder than negative and give me 3 things great about the club in general? No tricks just a simple list. I bet he can't... :-(
  18. think he plays for Athletico Madrid...doesn't he?
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