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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. At least one good in joke in a boring thread... :-))
  2. Swissmag

    Booing Chopra

    Although he's a "mentally unstable 50% Asian bloke" I think it's only fair to point out he's also 50% English geordie lass, mentally unstable or not. In fact his dad used to go to Rutherford School on the West Road as it happens, it's a technical college or something now. :-) Beat me to it. Don't know why his nationality has been mentioned in that case...
  3. FFS...he was great at the percussions: http://images.google.ch/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jebbradyband.com/Tony.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jebbradyband.com/Bio.html&h=190&w=199&sz=43&hl=de&start=19&um=1&usg=__UnGkwb5YbLm9k66JQ14B7eGi2Xs=&tbnid=VW2RI2xDx9Fu3M:&tbnh=99&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtony%2Bjimenez%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DN (scroll to bottom)
  4. Where you got that knowledge from? From your last holidays in Djerba, Marrakesh or Dubai? It's not a soukh man...
  5. I care absolutely about the diection of the club - we were going in the wrong one and now things are looking a lot better, the Keegan incident apart so, tell me about the things that are looking better... finances, first team squad, scouting system to name three. In contrast to: Nearly no spending, a small squad and as many injuries as ever. I think we improved on the field, but think that was down to KK. Concerning transfers, we'll still have to wait and see to judge Nacho and Xisco...
  6. I care absolutely about the diection of the club - we were going in the wrong one and now things are looking a lot better, the Keegan incident apart so, tell me about the things that are looking better...
  7. The lack of appointment seems more likely down to the fact that nee fecker will touch us with a bargepole - if Wise can't persuade his best mate to take it, what chance have we got with actual decent proven managers? Talk of the likes Hiddink and Advocaat is absolute fantasy island stuff - no manager of any pedigree will be remotely interested in us in our current state : "Aye Guus, forget about the World Cup, come here and work for Dennis Wise instead - he's got 12 million to spend you know!!"..... sad but true IMHO
  8. No, but he TENDS to be a criminal. Statistically only of course... 8-0
  9. He missed the match as he got mugged by a black man just before kickoff. Ask him. He would probably say, that the Nazis just TEND to be unfair and that If he goes to the Ukraine then he's NATURALLY more likely to meet alcoholics. Why would he say that? He's not a nazi himself. He's not racist, but wouldn't play for any side...
  10. He missed the match as he got mugged by a black man just before kickoff. Ask him. He would probably say, that the Nazis just TEND to be unfair and that If he goes to the Ukraine then he's NATURALLY more likely to meet alcoholics.
  11. Then british people are all alcoholics (same as the germans), Belgians are all paedophiles (sp), Dutch people are all Junkies, and not to forget all the islamic ppl are terrorists. "Naturally" of course... :-( No, no, no. You're either being really stupid or else you're using the word "All" to deliberately sensationalise things. Either way, it's just daft. Rebrov hasn't said that all blacks are criminals, and neither have I and neither has that report from the home office. The point is though that black people are statistically more likely to commit crimes that land them in jail, and that's an inescapable fact. If you then say in return "If I go to England then I'm naturally more likely to meet alcoholics" and statistics back you up (I have no idea if they do or not) then that would be fine. Didn't Silvio Maric say something about the women being ugly in Newcastle during his spell here? If we add Fat Fred's comments about Geordie women being dogs does that count as a statistic making it ok to offer the opinion? :-)
  12. Then british people are all alcoholics (same as the germans), Belgians are all paedophiles (sp), Dutch people are all Junkies, and not to forget all the islamic ppl are terrorists. "Naturally" of course... :-( And the Swiss, they just sit back and watch it all go by without ever stepping in, of course. Got me. Wanted to mention that to, but seemded too harmless for the comparison :-) But there you go: Swiss People don't have any opinions, except the one about the banking secret... :-)
  13. Then british people are all alcoholics (same as the germans), Belgians are all paedophiles (sp), Dutch people are all Junkies, and not to forget all the islamic ppl are terrorists. "Naturally" of course... :-(
  14. Just tell it like it is? Hitler and his friends argued the same way. idiot tbh
  15. Mancini? No way... why not? He has a winning CV. He's my first choice considering Marcelino is unavailable. Because of the brand of his football...
  16. Wow, what an intelligent comment?!?! Still waiting for someone who'll explain that this has nothing to do with racism...
  17. Doesnt matter anyway Anyone associated with Wise will be hated and not given a chance ...and?
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