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Posts posted by Swissmag

  1. was that not where hugo 'flatter to deceive' viana came from?

    Yes and Cristiano Ronaldo.


    Nani came from there also.


    What kind of cretin writes off a player based on him coming from a club where one of our less succesful players came from.


    Bizare concept.


    Thought the same... just stupid. Sporting has got one of the best (if not the best) youth setups in Europe with loads of talented players.

  2. Shola hasn't gone yet.


    I know. Thats why I mentioned him after Carr and Rammy...


    BTW: There isn't much difference between Shameobi and Shitty, tbh. :-(

  3. I know it won't happen and if it did it would have to be a Europe wide change.  I just think something along those lines is the only way you can guarantee positional changes at the top year on year. 


    Blatter/Platini are going to do something to destroy the dominance of our league anyway though.  Cap on Foreign players probably.


    Or did you mean the dominance within the league??? :-/

  4. I know it won't happen and if it did it would have to be a Europe wide change.  I just think something along those lines is the only way you can guarantee positional changes at the top year on year. 


    Blatter/Platini are going to do something to destroy the dominance of our league anyway though.  Cap on Foreign players probably.


    They didn't when the Italians or the Spaniards were on top... Blatter is a corrupt first grade wanker!

  5. Have everything to with the fact that Owens contract negotiations are not going as well as he expected or hoped.


    Apparently negotiations opened 6 weeks ago and maybe Keegan is trying to bring Ashley closer to Owens demands.


    I could be wrong mind.


    Might sound a bit childish, but I couldn't forgive the fucker... Don't like him already - would hate him then!


    Forgive him for what?


    leaving NUFC without paying them back... Come on, you know what I meant. ;-)

  6. Have everything to with the fact that Owens contract negotiations are not going as well as he expected or hoped.


    Apparently negotiations opened 6 weeks ago and maybe Keegan is trying to bring Ashley closer to Owens demands.


    I could be wrong mind.


    Might sound a bit childish, but I couldn't forgive the fucker... Don't like him already - would hate him then!

  7. Apart from the fact I don't rate him, how f****** tall would Crouch look in vertical stripes man? Just say no.


    Thanks for another reason... :-) Wouldn't want him. Would prefer Ashton as our big/tall striker. Still think that we have to change that one-dimensionality (does that word even exist?), which has been one of our major problems yesterdays (clear to see when we lost Viduka). We cannot operate with longballs and one striker holding them up. We need some creativity...

  8. Im surprised at the amount of Faye bashing out there, taking nothing away from Taylor cos he played well today but what specifically has Faye done so wrong?


    Its almost as though people feel the need to criticise him in order to make Taylor sound better. Why is that?



    If Taylor is so good, why did he struggle when Faye was out of the team?


    Exactly...Still think that Faye is better!

  9. This match was useful in that it highlighted several things ;

    1.That despite a spirited showing in the first half, there is a class gap as wide as the Pacific between sides like Chelsea and ourselves.


    2.That we need a new Target man desperately - we fell apart after the interval, partly because they started to play(they passed us off the park for long periods), and partly because we couldn't keep the ball, esp when it was played up to the front men because with Viduka gone, no-one had the strength to hold it up and wait for support.Neither Martins or Owen can do this, and Martins is only effective when he can use his pace against defenders - he was almost anonymous in the second half, as was Owen, but the

    difference is that with just one half chance, Owen almost scored an equaliser.


    3.The midfield have not go the skill or intelligence to compete with top sides


    4.If you allow a team to keep coming at you, even a good defence will crack - Faye & Taylor(one of his best games in my view)did little wrong, but they were under too much continuous pressure because the attack/midfield couldn't keep the ball.


    5.It was a huge pity that we didn't manage to sign Terry before Abramovitch took over - he was immense at the back for them and has great will-to-win..!


    6.Allardyce was conned by Fergie over Smith's fee - no longer a top player.


    Despite being disappointed by the result, I am honest enough to give credit to Chelsea, and esp Grant -

    he has had a difficult job after Mourinho and has done really well ; I know some on here do not like them

    as a club, but in this case I would now prefer them to go on and win the Title - they are a damn good side(despite Carvalho's acting, which was irritating) and I would LOVE IT, JUST LOVE IT(!) to be able to see Fergie's face if they fall at the last hurdle..Fergie has done us few favours over the years and his (typical)interference over Allardyce's sacking was yet more mischief making..


    He needs taking down a few pegs(as do ALL the Man U acolytes in the Press etc) and I really hope Chelsea do it for the whole of football although the odds are stacked against them.


    Chelsea for the whole of football??? FFS don't make laugh...

  10. i honestly think those 45 minutes yesterday by smith was some of the worst football i've seen in a long time. as a striker i'd prefer ameobi to him anyday!


    absolutely agree. I nearly broke down in tears when smudger came on for Viduka... 

  11. "I want Man Utd to win because i hate chelsea blah blah"


    People are quick to forget 96 era when fergis arrogant little w*** muchers, beat us to the title. I will forever be bitter and will NEVER wish for Man Utd to win the league, regardless of who is playing the "better" (which BTW is a bullshit phrase) football.


    On the other hand, i refuse to cheer on anyone but newcastle. Chelsea to win it please, but i won't be jumping for joy if they do.


    You hate them for beating us to the title?!? The world has gone crazy...

  12. I don't care that they played s***, Rangers managed to keep the clean sheet they needed and they are in the final. I am over the moon.


    Oh good...what a non-footballing brain! Everybody complains about teams like Germany (in the past) and Italy, but would welcome defensive football if we had a chance to reach a final. You must have loved Big Sam then...

  13. i wouldnt give a flying f*** if we got to the final having to play defensivley in the semi final. Anyone who says different is full of s**** to be honest.


    In the semi final? These shitebags haven't played any entertaining game. Bunch of cunts...

  14. What's the widest Man U's lead stretched to at any point this season?


    Was it ever more than 6 points?


    I want to be able to take the piss about them blowing it...if they do.


    Hmmm...don't think that this is a good idea. 95/96 will haunt you... :-(

  15. f*** Man u and their b****** fans, f*** Ronaldo, Neville and everyone associated with the c****** bollocks of a club, f****** hate them


    Chelsea fan for the next 2 weeks



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