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Posts posted by Swissmag

  1. Classic NM. Not even signed yet. :lol:


    Thats the point, for gods sake.


    Wankers build these players up, then they turn out to be crap.


    How about we just wait and find out what he's like, then decide? Unlike we did with Cacapa, Viduka, etc.


    And yes, befoire that absolute cretin Baggio starts, with his pathetic stuck-record drone, i was all for Parker when he signed, thought he'd be ace. I was wrong, i admitted that, unlike many on here with their fanboy behaviour.


    And the Taylor thing, yes i rate taylor. I've actually seen him play. Unlike most of the stupid c***s who want crap like Cacapa in his place.




    You are god, amen! :-)

  2. I hope to f*** no-one is going to give it the "He's a class act, seen him a gazillion times, just what we need" bollocks.


    Because enough peopel made that s**** up with players in the past, even ones who clearly aren't up to it like Cacapa, and they looked like the lying, clueless c***s they are.

    Funny coming from someone who rates Taylor.


    funny, that he writes like to 13 year old, who just discovered the world swear words (and I don't even comment on his avatar) :-)

  3. disgraceful if true. At liverpool the new players are made to study there history and all time great players, such a shame that we don't do that. Maybe explains the lack of passion from most of the foreigners


    if players were made to study our history they would be handing a transfer request in within days of signing!!



  4. I think it's just a case of Keegan not being able to make up his mind picking between Zog, Duff, and Milner. So he just says to himself:


    "hey, I'm Kevin Keegan, I like attacking fullbacks. f*** it I'll have Zog at LB. Problem solved."


    The sooner he takes a long hard look at things and realizes that unfortunately, he's going to have to drop one of the three decent players in our squad, the better. Enrique has looked good every time he's played and he's got bags of potential. But at this rate, he's going to f*** off back to Spain for less than half the money we payed for him.


    Why would he have to drop a decent player? ???


    Because he has to drop one of Duff, Milner, and Zog?


    Not the most difficult of decisions. :lol:


    seems pretty hard to me   :rolleyes:


    Put it this way: I'd give Duff away for nothing tomorrow if there was a club stupid enough to take him.

    I think Duffs been pretty much our only half decent player during these times.  Actually trying to do something.


    Exactly. I alreay began to wonder if it is just me... :-(


    sorry lads, i cant see it, duff's looked woefully blunt, interested definitely, but smith looks interested too. he now knows he cant go past people and he's taken to just turning round and passing backwards, and when he does decide to put a cross in its never a good one


    At least he is/will be able to cross. Not that I am saying he's back to his best, but after all the critisicm so far, I have to admit that he looks a lot more lively... Maybe the first step in a good direction. Still see more in him than in Milner!

  5. I think it's just a case of Keegan not being able to make up his mind picking between Zog, Duff, and Milner. So he just says to himself:


    "hey, I'm Kevin Keegan, I like attacking fullbacks. f*** it I'll have Zog at LB. Problem solved."


    The sooner he takes a long hard look at things and realizes that unfortunately, he's going to have to drop one of the three decent players in our squad, the better. Enrique has looked good every time he's played and he's got bags of potential. But at this rate, he's going to f*** off back to Spain for less than half the money we payed for him.


    Why would he have to drop a decent player? ???


    Because he has to drop one of Duff, Milner, and Zog?


    Not the most difficult of decisions. :lol:


    seems pretty hard to me   :rolleyes:


    Put it this way: I'd give Duff away for nothing tomorrow if there was a club stupid enough to take him.

    I think Duffs been pretty much our only half decent player during these times.  Actually trying to do something.


    Exactly. I alreay began to wonder if it is just me... :-(

  6. I'm baffled at why so many people are rating Dunne. He has been nothing but a Donkey for City whenever I've seen him play before this season. He's had one good half a season under Sven and is now leaking goals and making mistakes again...He's no better than Bramble!



  7. What a bellend.

    Me mate knows a lad who plays for City reserves and reckons he's a proper gipsy, got about twenty cats and dogs and twice as many kids.



    Do the admins know that Gypsy is an offence? Rassists will be banned?!?! Will they?


    It is not, that I like his car... :-))))

  8. What a bellend.

    Me mate knows a lad who plays for City reserves and reckons he's a proper gipsy, got about twenty cats and dogs and twice as many kids.



    Do the admins know that Gypsy is an offence? Rassists will be banned?!?! Will they?

  9. Duff has started looking good again give him a f****** break.


    Who knows with Enrqie does seem the same thing that happend to Luque? Any one know if hes got an injury?

    Absolutely hilarious.

    What a comment again from the brightest of all lights...

  10. You missed out..


    .. The reality is that the Alan Shearer story and the PCP story were both absolute rubbish Alan has obviously denied he has been approached by a consortium and we had never heard of PCP until Mondays story.


    "It is not one journalist that has been writing these inaccurate stories. Who do you think has both connections with the media and is willing to go to the trouble, since shortly after our takeover last summer, to cause disruption to the club by spreading so many false rumours about a takeover?"


    I'm on an especially dense day today, who is he hinting at?


    SA :-)

  11. i wonder if geordies acually know how much money is beeing spent abroad for merchandises and tv rights and so on to see theyr matches, i think withouth us there wouldnt be much money for nufc to spend on players as well!


    the main problem for me is that if a "true geordie" says im not a supporter becouse im not born in newcastle... as a "fan/supporter" that really hurts... its acually theyr hometeam i support!!! they should be very proud that people travel from all around the world, just to see newcastle play.. they should be proud we turn on the telly, and put on each of our shirts named shearer owen keegan or whatever, and stand up to all the glory hunters around the world and say, newcastle is the better team, becouse we have heart!!!

  12. Anyone who chooses to support a club other than the one of the place they are form is as bad as anyone mentioned above.


    So, you're favourite singer must be Sting then. And you class Mr. Bean way above Monty Phyton, right?!?! Thats just ridicolous...




    People from other areas who support Newcastle are total mongs when they could have supported teams who have won things regularly, they deserve a medal the size of a bin lid.


    Yeah, would be great to be Glory Hunter... :-(


    Like I said "mongs" they can't even quote, not that we needed any proof.   :lol:


    Yeah right, correct quotes are the most essential things in life...

  14. I just can't understand how anyone has a "second favourite club" what the f*** is that all about.


    what about teams from other leagues?  :sad1: people surely can have a favorite from la liga or whatever.  just have to be all NUFC should we meet in the intertoto!   :indi:







    Why would you want to support a team form somewhere you weren't from?



    Fuckin hate that "support your local team" bullshit... I want to support a team that entertains me. I don't give a f***, where they're from...



    does that mean if they stop entertaining you'll go elsewhere ?


    What a sneering question for a "non-sneering asker"... :-0



    People from other areas who support Newcastle are total mongs when they could have supported teams who have won things regularly, they deserve a medal the size of a bin lid.


    Yeah, would be great to be Glory Hunter... :-(

  16. I just can't understand how anyone has a "second favourite club" what the f*** is that all about.


    what about teams from other leagues?  :sad1: people surely can have a favorite from la liga or whatever.  just have to be all NUFC should we meet in the intertoto!   :indi:







    Why would you want to support a team form somewhere you weren't from?



    Fuckin hate that "support your local team" bullshit... I want to support a team that entertains me. I don't give a f***, where they're from...



    does that mean if they stop entertaining you'll go elsewhere ?


    No. They stopped entertaining after the KK era (so I would've been already gone),  but had won over me. Since then I hope for a return in style... (cannot imagine what it is like, to support a team like ManU or Arsenal)

  17. I just can't understand how anyone has a "second favourite club" what the f*** is that all about.


    what about teams from other leagues?  :sad1: people surely can have a favorite from la liga or whatever.  just have to be all NUFC should we meet in the intertoto!   :indi:







    Why would you want to support a team form somewhere you weren't from?



    Fuckin hate that "support your local team" bullshit... I want to support a team that entertains me. I don't give a f***, where they're from...



    Two things I don't get about that - 1) You support Newcastle and 2) You can't understand people having a 2nd team.


    Alex don't get it again... ;-)

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