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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. fuckin hell...he's so damn fuckin shite
  2. not yet completely...but the nearest possible
  3. http://i.imgur.com/VDjowbk.gif You frigging love that gif like. The best haircut ever :-)
  4. Swissmag

    Papiss Cissé

    totally agree. I mean it was stupid from Cisse to do the same, but Evans clearly started it...
  5. Swissmag

    Papiss Cissé

    What a fuckin liar Evans is! But yeah, a very modest/honest person...fuck you LVG you ugly dickhead!!!
  6. Swissmag

    John Carver

    same here. Hate both with a passion...
  7. At least be consistent with the French first name before using the Italian family name. :-)
  8. Swissmag

    Papiss Cissé

    We'd let anyone go for a decent fee, not really sure that's much of a revelation. We'd let anyone go for a HALF DECENT fee...
  9. settling for a point against Palace. John useless Craver is such a mastermind!
  10. Also think this has made Krul drop his game a bit too. No competition. When Harper was here Krul rarely let in soft goals. Right, Fatty is definitely no competition! Hope Pardew tries to sign him in the summer...
  11. I honestly belive that it's simply due to his surname with some of the 'haters'. Nope just don't think he's anything special - don't hate him at all and I would love him to be a really good player but at the end of the day he isn't I think he's s****... Of course from time to time he does something exceptional...but only to loose the ball for the next 2-3 stepovers. He doesn't seem to have any footballing brain. On the other side I don't think anyone will improve under Carver
  12. I honestly belive that it's simply due to his surname with some of the 'haters'. Nope just don't think he's anything special - don't hate him at all and I would love him to be a really good player but at the end of the day he isn't I think he's shite... Of course from time to time he does something exceptional...but only to loose the ball for the next 2-3 stepovers. He doesn't seem to have any footballing brain.
  13. Lovenkrands...what a despicable cnut. Spouting that shit again!
  14. Yes, you have to be an absolute genius to realize that long balls are not what is needed against Burnley. Fuck me!!! And as others said, the long balls are normally his idea (or at least I would think so)...
  15. wherever you've been exiled to it's not f***ing far enough It's true. Please return to your exile. I'd love to strangle exiledmag to death, watching the life drain from his face. what a dick ExiledMag is
  16. Fuckin' hate Real Madrid...always did. What a bunch of arrogant tossers!
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