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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Dosen´t matter how it goes. This is a final. This games proves everything. f*** OFF YOUR PRICK!!!
  2. sorry, but Sorry, but I take that Ok. Let´s introduce him now
  3. How good isn´t this man How are we going to keep him next season CABAYE CABAYE
  4. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I am, I still think the bloke is a c*** though!
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Definitely better than I expected. Though, Villa is shocking and Anita would have been a lot better then Perch. Perch is supposed to be a dm, but we are so weak at the counter.
  6. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    No matter how many good players we can play he will always pick the shit one, and we probably play shit football too, and if we take the lead we will defend it, and if we concede we won´t win. Ok I´m going to watch the match now...
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    And he had to pot Williamson on the bench too
  8. It will be beautiful to see Gouff and Sissoko but as a team we´ll probably play shit anyway
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Let me start.... How the hell can you play BOTH Perch and Jonas in a team when you have Anita on the bench
  10. If Marv is out injured How the hell can you then play BOTH Perch and Jonas
  11. No. Though for quite a long time when it first was rumored that it was him
  12. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    No. 11 Carroll and Redknapp. Best one! Would even consider a massive picture with that one here at home
  13. Doesn't been this psyched about a game since the opener against Spurs! Feels fucking awesome
  14. Yep, done that too here in Sweden.
  15. They literally gone bananas here in Sweden over all our frenchmen Just read an article about a Belgium team that have bought 14 egyptian players and there headline was "They are doing a Newcastle" I should add that they otherwise basically don´t give a shit about us but has in the last days wrote quite alot
  16. HAHA I can´t take this last few pages, so funny man A "We are sorry" parade, fuck me
  17. ATB

    Moussa Sissoko

    Poor Bigirimana. He's not even going to be able to get a place on the bench
  18. I know I shouldn´t, but I can´t stop thinking about this coming summer. I have a bad feeling
  19. It fells like we have stopped fucking around for a few quids here and there and just have started to bring in the bodies we need.
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