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Everything posted by ATB

  1. No way should we let him go, not now or in the summer, the only way is if they pay what he is worth. Still this makes him feel like a twat. Why the hell would he sign a contract extension and then just do this? Makes no sense at all.
  2. Exactly this, and Stu the problem has always been that we go "one for one". That if we buy one we sell one and that has made our squad so small with no competition. Purple players - ha.
  3. Not jumping ahead now, but if you know what you want and do your homework I really don´t understand why it has to be a well known person.
  4. We'll have mad some great signings if they come off, but will we have enough goals without Ba? That's a good question. Aside from Cisse and the odd spectacular goal from Cisse who else is going to chip in with some goals. Obviously I'd say HBA is a threat when he gets back too but we definitely need another option. But I´m including a forward in this "good window" concept
  5. But just to add. Should we bring in the names we are rumored to have made bids on we would have done a great window. Make that another window in the summer with a new manager coming in. That would be something. Not holding my breath though.
  6. One good window will not make him a hero. If he starts to run it well for 2 years, then maybe I can start to give him credit.
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    What a fucking idiot. And what do he mean by setbacks? We does that all the time but have never ever come from behind with him! Is that a coincident? NO! NO FUCKING NO
  8. If you been reading this forum for some time you could easily divide this forum in the categories "optimist" and "pessimist" and people that support Pardew more than others. And that has definitely been ongoing for some time (). But surly we all want the same thing - success for Newcastle United Football Club? That´s what has hit me the last few days. Because how can some people just "stick there head in the sand" and "blindly support Ashley and Pardew" the way this season has gone (as I sees it), don´t they also want us to be successively? Then it just hit me. Maybe we all want success. But maybe we define it differently. Because what is "success"? And most important. What is success for you?? And that is just between us fans, but also to the club. How are they defining success? My point is. Why discuss players and systems if some are happy with PL contract and some wants to win PL. So What is "success" for you and were do you want this club to be in the long term to call it an successfully club?
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    For this window, yeah surly. But in the long run it´s not good enough the way we are handling things
  10. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We've already signed one, so technically 2 more would make 3. The bottom line though is that he always does this, lowering the numbers of the targets the closer the deadline day we come, it´s not just this time. And still. One or two is not enough no matter what
  11. It´s staggering that we don´t seem to have any back-ups. I wouldn´t want to be at any transfer meeting they have. epic failure, again.
  12. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    From "3 to 4" to "one or 2" in two weeks ..
  13. Butland is actually a small favorite. So if anyone should replace Krul ( ) it´s him.
  14. ATB

    Loïc Remy

    We´ll see, but they are surly better than most of the players we got now in out starting eleven
  15. I said this in another thread.
  16. If especially Chelsea not wins today
  17. ATB

    Loïc Remy

    Have said it for ages, he's going to keep them up.
  18. I got mine right; Wigan and Leeds
  19. ATB

    Harry Redknapp

    Other than his illegal wheeling and dealing for his own I don´t get the fuss about him. For a team like QPR he´s a perfect manager and I´m sure they won´t go down. The spending money at player that he will do is more down to the owner I think. If they go burning down empty on cach, is that Harrys fault?
  20. Leeds and Wigan My bet, keep it up
  21. I don't believe they will ever accept paying over the odds for players. They'd rather just not reinforce, or get younger players in and hope that someone steps up. I'm wondering if they are willing to gamble the stupidly large amount of money the premier league teams will be getting next season. The answer is probably yes. In that case Ashley is even more stupid then I ever can imagine and I really start to wounder how the hell he has got so much money if he thinks like he does. The first real question is why the hell is he not using more football people?
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