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Everything posted by ATB

  1. I´m really happy for him and I always though that he was mistreated here.
  2. Instead of passing to someone else in a better position? tbf I only saw the replay though, if it was anyone else in Chelsea they would probably have passed it.
  3. Ba shoots from outside the penalty area...
  4. The worst part is that it could and should work
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Strange reaction. What's up fella? Well do you think Pardew got what is take to make us a top 4 club, or close to that? And if so, how can we be were we are right now after the last season success? A top manager should be able to pick up results even without the "best eleven", because I think it´s a fact that you in football always will get injuries. Alternatively, you could take it that the negativity in the press is not what Pardew is portraying to the players, and that despite our lowly position we are still aiming high and attracting players who you could well see turning out for the clubs we are hoping to chase. Hey I agree that we've been s***, and Pardew has done little to inspire much belief going forward this season, but I don't see the need to mine negatives from every other interview. We have been trying to play better football but then when the doubts creep in, we fall back into our more desperate habits. Hopefully these new lads will give the team and Pardew the confidence to push on and start looking up again. I agree with this and this is especially impressive. I understand what you mean and maybe we should give Pardew another chance now when he has good players to use the second half of the season. I´m just so pissed off with all the talk etc etc when you can clearly see what happens on the pitch. I´m still pissed off with Ashley for sacking Hughton to bring in Pardew. I know Hughton isn´t a world beater, but he is still as good as Pardew, at least. There was no need for a chance. I know this isn´t Pardew´s fault, but it still makes it easier to have a go at him. But Ok. I should try and give Pardew the rest of the season. But if there is no improvement, then thats it.
  6. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Most of this and fwiw, without European competition next season, we'll most likely see a pick up in PL results. Without it we can get back to that goal of qualifying Europe. to Dave and Inochi too. I can see the logic in there posts. But still it doesn´t make them "true" in the sense that we will be a top club because Ashley won´t sack him or because Pardew will get the team to play better football because he got better players. It´s still the same Pardew next year as the one that have put us in the shit this season, and it´s almost the same Pardew that got sacked from Charlton, West Ham and Southampton. We´ll see whats happen but I still have the believe that Pardew will always get fewer points with this club then we could have. With good players we may compete in the middle of the table, or close to top 8, but it won´t be him that takes us to another level.
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Strange reaction. What's up fella? Well do you think Pardew got what is take to make us a top 4 club, or close to that? And if so, how can we be were we are right now after the last season success? A top manager should be able to pick up results even without the "best eleven", because I think it´s a fact that you in football always will get injuries.
  8. Think I wrote the worst post ever don´t understand a thing either What I mean though is that it would be idiotic to let him go because with Colo and Mbwia we now possible have the best cb pairing the club ever has had. Add a really good back up cb in Saylor too.
  9. After seeing the video maybe not
  10. He looks massive for a rb/lb.
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

  12. We have now the best cb ever, there is no way we are going Colo to go! But if he is. How many of you thinks that we are going to replace him with another cb in the summer
  13. We will always have problems to win since Pardew always go "super defense" directly after we get the lead
  14. Six months too late to warrant licking his arse. This - all Ashley is doing is trying to save his ar-e by avoiding relegation...something we shouldn't even have been thinking about after last season's efforts. If he's done the right thing in Summer, all this panic buying may not have been necessary. Wait until the start of next season before you start 'being grateful' for having a football club.
  15. ATB

    Moussa Sissoko

    We got fucking Pardew as a manager. While he is here I won´t hold any player as responsible for there eventually bad form.
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Don´t give him more excuses
  17. How took that photo? Worse than the paparazzi photographs
  18. Err I take it you never saw the Ben Arfa thread? Wasn´t that like 600 pages
  19. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Look at that back line Also add an old Solano, Dyer and Butt with Sibierski at top. No matter how bad Spurs were, how on earth did we win I remember that game though. Martins thunder
  20. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    This. Though with the signings we should be able to stay up, but that would be just purely on the quality of the players, nothing else. Though Pardew would still be seen as a hero with comments like "told you so" by some that got their heads so high up in there asses it´s not even funny (note: not referring to anyone in here)
  21. Exactly this, and Stu the problem has always been that we go "one for one". That if we buy one we sell one and that has made our squad so small with no competition. Purple players - ha. even then (as now i guess) he'll sell if he gets the right price. his buying since we came back up has never been so much on price as value (even more so if the current transfer rumours are true) From what I can see, it looks like you're right about 'one in, one out' when it comes to these 'purple' first XI players - it's just a shame that Danny Simpson and Steven Taylor were considered 'purple' (or at least sufficiently capable/reliable while we waited between Sept and Jan for the window to reopen). Doesn't look like there's a limit insomuch as buying youth/younger prospects i.e. Amalafitano, Bigirimana, Abeid, etc. If they're available on a free/reasonably cheap and we can snap them up, looks like we're going for it. The issue this season has been the noticeable drop-off between the first XI (on paper) and the younger/less experienced players being called up to support them. Having been burnt by the likes of Alan Smith on a $60kpw 5year deal, it seems as though we're not paying for 'first team ready' players unless they're going straight into the team. Ideally, they'll soon understand that we need at least 15 first team top-8 Premiership players in the squad, with a combination of cheaper back-ups (Shola, Williamson, etc.) blended with some promising younger players (Bigi, Amalafitano, Abeid) to be drip-fed first XI experience over the course of the season, not just when we face an injury crisis. They're only going to learn by experience, seeing as they're deaf to the fans and critics alike - no doubt something that has been previously successful in other areas of their life. The under-21 squad should be completely separate, with the likes of Good, Campbell and Streete out on loan, rather than in our matchday 18 (unless it's the cups/end of season). It´s great in theory and I have for a long time warmly talked about this. But from this summer I have just given up, I don´t trust him to ever really care or get this together. Now with Pardew it´s really no idea either because he will never fulfill our potential. I think we are so close to be run in the "perfect" way. We just need an owner with a little bit more interest in our success and a competent manager/coach. Right now we aren´t there and I think that Ashley never will take us to the heights we could even if we got to fifth place last year. Honestly don´t ask me why, but I guess everyone can fly for a summer.
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