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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Nah, I'd prefer not to see Perch anywhere in defence. He's fine as an anchorman in midfield but he should only cover RB/CB as an absolute last resort.
  2. I appreciate you creativity Skirge but that formation........no, just no
  3. Aye. Seeing those stills have really p*ssed me off. Consistency my arse. Mike Dean (and the media) thinks he's a top referee but he bottles so many decisions, the main examples being the David Luiz incident at St. James' in December and Cattermole yesterday in the first few minutes. Though Dean does get a point for sending off Cattermole at full time.
  4. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    It was a good suggestion in theory mind.
  5. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Indeed but the song is so bad!
  6. Really difficult to say as there's nothing to back it up but I really think he deserves more minutes.he's great with the ball at his feet,is fast,surprisingly strong but I can't say much About his position play yet.I would like him to be getting thirty mins a game,ahead of everyone from the bench but guthrie With the right coaching, Fergie could very well develop into a great left back but as it stands, he's more of a winger really. He did mention last season that he was learning from Enrique but now that Jose has gone, I'm really not sure at what stage the lad's development is at. He played on the left wing for Northern Ireland last week and excelled there from what I've heard so it's looking like Shane's more of an option on the left wing rather than LB. The only way to know for sure if he's capable of playing LB is, well, a run of games in that position. It's a shame that he hasn't been sent out on loan yet (injury prevented him from doing so iirc). Some first team experience at LB would surely be an indicator of where he's at.
  7. Sifu

    Players in public

    Same old Andy, always drinking.
  8. Wouldn't mind seeing a variation on the 4-5-1/4-3-3 but what I'm saying is that, this time round, 4-4-2 can also be a viable option.
  9. 4-4-2 wouldn't be so bad this time round imo. The thing with the Spurs game was that our CM pairing of Guthrie-Perch was pretty much weak as p*ss which, against Parker and Modric, was never going to go well. Guthrie and Perch needed an extra bit of help then so an extra midfielder (the 4-5-1) would have made sense. But the Cabaye-Tiote CM pairing is a lot stronger than the Guthrie-Perch one (no disrespect to Danny and James) so we should have just about enough in CM to handle Arsenal's midfield (I hope so anyway).
  10. Sifu


    I feel sorry for their remaining decent fans although it seems that they are now badly outnumbered by the scum element. Sunderland was once a famous shipbuilding city with a proud football club, nowadays it's seen as a bit of a wilderness populated by heathens and the club is starting to reflect that sadly. There are some decent fans, I know a few myself but like you've said, they seem to be really outnumbered by a lot of dim-witted twats.
  11. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Yep, this added incentive should properly motivate Ben Arfa to play at his absolute best and prove to Pardew that he really is unplayable on his day. From what I've listened to and read on RMC.fr, quite a few of the French fans do want him in the squad for this summer as well. I actually get the impression that Blanc really likes him so if Ben Arfa does get that run of games, then I reckon that he's definitely an outside bet for the French squad.
  12. Sifu


    Good grief, the extremely low levels of decency amongst the mackem support is quite frankly a disgrace (but probably unsurprising).
  13. Sifu


    Bloody hell, time sure does fly!
  14. That was a good watch
  15. Flavio really is a clueless fucker.
  16. 'Arry just made a cameo appearance.
  17. QPR: The Four Year Plan is on BBC2 right now.
  18. Pogrebnyak looks like a really canny player.
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