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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Another piece of fantastic news. Tim has also been a key player for us this season. His goalkeeping has arguably won us a few points here and there and to have him for many seasons to come is just brilliant. Of course, he's still young (for a goalkeeper anyway) so he is still developing. I, for one, am very excited to see him develop into a world class keeper (he's not quite there yet but he is definitely getting there!). The future's looking bright
  2. This is fantastic news. A brilliant start to the weekend. Captain Colo is arguably our most important player, he's such a rock in defence and securing him for the long term is nothing but a massive boost. I'm so delighted!
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think Pardew now sees Ben Arfa as a wildcard which is definitely the wrong role/description for the lad. A part-time role will do Hatem no good whatsoever - it simply won't get the best out of him. Having said that, I'm still going to keep telling myself that things/the situation could yet improve (this is perhaps a futile/stupid thing to do but I honestly think that all is not lost yet).
  4. Sifu

    Hoof ball

    Whilst it's become apparent that Pardew does like a direct approach from time to time (probably a bit too much these days it has to be said), I honestly don't think this is a tactic he really wants to utilise to a full extent (as in, I don't think that this is his sole gameplan). Now, I am aware that there has been many cases this season where we have resorted to the whole "pass-back-to-Krul-for-him-to-launch-it" trick (and yes, it is very annoying) but there has also been some cases where we have mixed it around effectively (Man U at St. James' being the main example). We have seen glimpses of a "pass-and-play" tactic this season too, now what I'm thinking is that why would Pardew deploy such a tactic in games if his alleged gameplan/entire mentality was just hoofball? I've seen some posts in the past in various threads saying that Pardew was just like Allardyce which is a complete load of bollocks. In the end, I'm pretty confident that Pardew can learn from his mistakes. His unemployment period (post-Southampton) did allow him to reassess his approach imo - considering he went to Germany for a bit and try and learn from the Bundesliga indicates to me that he is a man who is still "learning" as a manager.
  5. Simply put. He's a much better player if he's allowed to push up. So I say, let Tiote do all the defensive work (and Cheik does have the ability to do that all by himself anyway) and let Cabaye do all the attacking from CM. It really is as simple as that.
  6. It's been said before, that French kit is brilliant. Probably the best looking out of the lot.
  7. Plus: http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/News/Gallery/0,,10278~2631084,00.html
  8. Sifu


    It's not. It used to be okay when it was Manor Quay and was a glorified music venue but since then it's underwent numerous rebrands and the prices have went through the roof. Well this and Craig-NUFC's post has destroyed the myth then!
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    The full article in the Telegraph isn't a bad read like. It's quite positive stuff. Okay, some of the stuff he does say (primarily what he said about potential bids for our big players) is uncalled for but I do like the sound of Pardew's long-term aspirations. Pardew does have a certain way of handling the press, sometimes he handles them brilliantly but at other times, he probably gives them some (maybe too much) ammunition to write some sort of shite. But, it is only one side to Pardew so I'm not too worried as such about what he says from time to time. It's what happens on the pitch that matters. So really, in the end, it's a case of actions speaking louder than words. His actions this season have certainly ranged from brilliant to shite/bizarre. The promise of "carpet football" hasn't really been fulfilled, we have seen glimpses of it but quite simply, there hasn't been enough of it. He has got us to 6th in the table with 12 games to go, so something (or some of his "actions") is/are working.
  10. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Indeed. The Telegraph reckons this could be the shortlist: http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02156/england_candidates_2156060b.jpg
  11. Sifu


    Ah, I see. Well then, that's pretty much stopped me from ever thinking about going now!
  12. Sifu

    The England Thread

    This, to me, could indicate that the FA are intending to appoint Redknapp.
  13. Sifu


    Random thought of the day: one thing I've heard these past few years on quite a few occasions is that, a night out at Sunderland Uni's union can be a good one.....
  14. Went for the Argentinian lads and Krul. The reasons being, both Colo and Jonas have been key players for us these past few seasons or so and they've also maintained a high level of professionalism on and off the pitch for me (Jonas always seems to have a smile on his face too, you really can't hate him!). Seeing Krul develop has been great like. From the young lad we first signed (one who took the Metro home after training almost every week) to the lad we're seeing now, there's something simply brilliant about that. His attitude is really spot on. He's a Geordie really.
  15. Sifu


    FTM!!!111!!! Seriously, worst insult ever.
  16. Just had a quick listen. Cabaye doesn't say anything about us (wasn't really asked NUFC-specific questions) - he was asked questions about France's game against Germany (which was last night) and Euro 2012. On a final note, he was asked about Ben Arfa - the question essentially being whether or not Hatem could make the French squad this summer (nothing was asked about the situation regarding HBA's lack of playing time/Pardew and all that). Yohan answered by pretty much saying he wasn't too sure about that but he did mention that Ben Arfa would be able fit into the French team without any bother as such because Hatem is "an extraordinary player who can make a difference with his movement, acceleration and shooting."
  17. Still though, seemed a bit dodgy from the outside.
  18. Sifu


    I suppose they missed out on when we played Inter then they probably think Inter is a different city in Italy. More than likely. Idiots.
  19. 21 year old 6'3" centre back from Auxerre Looks like he fits the profile (with regards to our transfer policy and all that and the fact we're in need of a CB). You forgot the fact that he's french Ha, indeed I neglect that fact! And with that of course, he ticks all the boxes.
  20. 21 year old 6'3" centre back from Auxerre Looks like he fits the profile (with regards to our transfer policy and all that and the fact we're in need of a CB).
  21. Sifu


    they will have when they are with other mackems. Hmmm, never thought about that......
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