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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Wonder what odds I can get for him joining West Ham in the summer ... Strong shout that.....
  2. Seems to suggest that we might play 4-3-3 tomorrow.....
  3. A good sign maybe? Not sure mate, definitely not a bad one that he's back among the first team, every time Willie Donachie speaks about him he has nothing but praise for Kadar, maybe he's done enough to get back in the first team pool with his performances for the reserves, would worry long term though. Hopefully he has done enough to get back in amongst the first team squad but really, I don't think he has a future here
  4. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    So how long before he has a go at Fernandes?
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Tbf to Drogba, as soon as he cut out the constant diving, he became one of the best players in recent PL history.
  6. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    f***ing hell, thought these must've been made up at first. What a f***ing idiot. Barton's "management team" probably wrote those tweets. It's probably the case that Barton didn't really like Warnock. The mask comes off.
  7. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Take action over him responding to his ex managers comments who they themselves have just sacked? Yes, he's their captain and shouldn't be acting like a spoilt child in public. A quiet word behind the scenes I reckon. Nothing more, nothing less.
  8. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    And of course, SSN have already picked this up: @SkySportsNews Sky Sports News Coming up on #SSN at five. Barton hits back at Neil Warnock via Twitter.
  9. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    @Joey7Barton Joseph Barton Neil Warnock saying I talk to much. Now that is funny #mikebassett If I talked about Neil, he'd do well to get another job. Twitter cost him his job? I can think of a million other things! #shutitwarnock
  10. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I find it a little funny the fee was only £6-7m. Didn't Bolton call Arsenal's £5m offer "derisory" or something, only a few months ago?! He's worth about that, though! I mean, is the availability of CBs so dire that Cahill is the answer for a team like Chelsea? Or am I severally underrating Cahill? He's decent, but that's all. No I agree with you actually, was talking to a Gunner mate the other day and we were trying to think of decent centre-backs - there aren't that many any more compared to only a few years ago! Especially English ones. What's England's first choice CB partnership? Still Rio/Terry? Looking like Terry and Cahill. Don't think Rio will get into the squad again tbh...
  11. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I find it a little funny the fee was only £6-7m. Didn't Bolton call Arsenal's £5m offer "derisory" or something, only a few months ago?! He's worth about that, though! I mean, is the availability of CBs so dire that Cahill is the answer for a team like Chelsea? Or am I severally underrating Cahill? He's decent, but that's all. Think Cahill is, as it stands, a better defender than Luiz.
  12. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    The Drogba story's true? Well then..... I suspect Shanghai Shenhua will be Didier's final payday (just like Anelka).
  13. We were only 3 points behind Man U going into that game iirc.
  14. Ah, well that explains why he wasn't involved on Tuesday and how he's still training with us. Reckon they still want to see him play one more game before making a final decision (with maybe Pardew/Carver/Stone in attendance?).
  15. Sifu


    There's always a time for them to insult us
  16. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Drogba's been linked with a move to Shanghai Shenhua.
  17. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Doesn't ever seem to play does he? I've heard he is a bit of a pisshead.
  18. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Just caught up, Taiwo to QPR? Did not see that coming. Will be a good signing for them if it's true.
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