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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Tbf Justin Lockwood also did this on a regular basis for years (and I preferred Lockwood commentary over Lowes commentary every time!)
  2. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Well, this is very exciting news indeed. Woooooooooo :frantic: Can't wait to see him play for us. Two Dembas upfront
  3. Turned 21 two weeks ago My bad. He has great talent already for a player of his age and the potential to be amazing. Great game at the weekend too. And well done to Pardew for holding back letting him earn his place and easing him into Premiership football. I thought this was the wrong decision initially but i'm happy to be proved wrong. No worries mate. Aye, it is amazing that he's got this much ability at such a young age and the best thing is that he can only get better.
  4. Nope, they extended it to include Liverpool though ie. the top 7.
  5. @MsiDouglas Mark Douglas All credit to Brendan Rodgers but did the Swansea boss really just claim Wayne Routledge would be comfortable in the England squad? 10 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
  6. Bit harsh Sewelly, I just found an article confirming nuts source More like an article regurgitating his original source. wasn't the original, original source saying was going to have a medical, this latest one (as in the journos on the tv prog) saying he is undergoing a medical. maybe lost in translation but the reports from rtl seemed more definite. Yeah, that's what the article says, that he's "in the process of having his medical at NUFC". Not holding my breath though....
  7. It's Coke from Hong Kong/Taiwan fwiw.
  8. Nicollin seems to be quite a character
  9. @WayneRooney Wayne Rooney Was manchini asking for red card?
  10. Everton could be a realistic option for Owen actually.
  11. Wtf? Of all the people to release an app........
  12. Well he is out of contract this summer (which is when I think we'll make our move, can't see us signing him this month).
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