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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Not surprised tbh.
  2. :lol: You have to get into the team first Michael.....fool.
  3. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Remember, our TV licensing money pays this idiot's wages.
  4. I'm not too confident about this game tbh and I think that's down to Gus Poyet (cunt), he was such a thorn to us in his playing days. Don't know why but I can see him being a thorn to us as a manager too......
  5. Sifu

    Who can go?

    Seriously like, you are taking the p*ss aren't you?
  6. If Colo signs a new contract in the next few weeks (or even months!), I'll be a very happy chappy indeed. As long as he signs, that's the main thing. It can't be said enough, he is probably our most important player and has certainly been one of the best defenders I've seen in a NUFC top.
  7. Ah the media are at it again I see? The usual shit-stirring stuff...
  8. Sifu

    Bryan Ruiz

    Going to see what he does this season before properly judging him like. He is slowly getting to grips with the PL from what I've seen recently (well let's say, he's looking better these days compared to how he performed at the start of the season).
  9. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I had a feeling Fernandes would offer Onuoha whatever wage he asked for but 80k a week is actually a bit excessive!
  10. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Unsurprising really.....
  11. Sifu


    FWIW, don't think Erdinç will sign for the mackems. Doesn't feel like an O'Neill signing really. This is more like it:
  12. Sifu


    @MsiDouglas Mark Douglas Spoke to Mevlut Erdinc's elusive agent about #safc links for tomorrow's #thejournal. Plus where club is casting its net for forward recruits
  13. Birmingham lead! (Turned it on at the right time )
  14. Sifu


    Didn't realise ITV are showing their FA Cup game. So that's going to be the Third and Fourth Round now. Mackemedia
  15. Ah. Yeah, I've heard many things about Berra being shite.
  16. Is the Wolves-Birmingham game worth watching?
  17. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    David Weir and Danny Cadamarteri, it'll be like the good old days
  18. The rumour was a loan with a view to buy for £3 million. I'd definitely go along with such a deal like.
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