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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Yeah, I'd definitely give him at least a year. The talent/ability is there, just needs to reveal it a lot more and use it consistently.
  2. Good read that but the fact remains that he still hasn't hit top form yet. Needs to be a lot more consistent and definitely more confident about his ability really.
  3. Prediction time, going to go for 2-2. Cabaye and Ba.
  4. He's done so to avoid getting into trouble with the management really.
  5. Sifu


    There's an article in the Times tomorrow called "Martin O’Neill sees vision of Catalonia". Can imagine what that's about
  6. I can never put a bet on against Newcastle. Feels morally wrong.
  7. Tempted to put an accy on for tomorrow. I'm bound to get lucky eventually........
  8. Sifu


    Be even more amusing if they don't... Nah I reckon most of them will just blame Bruce and how Super Martin O'Neill needs to rebuild etc..
  9. Ah yeah, forgot about that!
  10. Yes and no. Increases the chances of Colo not making it. Indeed but I'm fine with Colo missing this one if it means he'll be fully fit for Swansea next weekend with no worries of a niggling injury.
  11. He really is becoming tiresome.
  12. EDIT: Cabaye, f*** you (Just checked Abeid's Facebook myself.....)
  13. Thierry Henry statue unveiled:
  14. Sifu


    Yakubu scoring 4 goals this weekend like he did last would be very nice tbh.
  15. Well guess that settles it then. Bench duty it is for Mehdi.
  16. Plus Shola has been captain before so......
  17. Shola will probably be captain if he starts. If not, can see Jonas being captain.
  18. Maybe Abeid has indeed got "squad" and "team" mixed up.
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