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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Ah right, well that's okay then. Selecting Long is a weird one though.
  2. So Cox and Walters upfront for yous then?
  3. Can't wait until he's manager. Needs to happen.
  4. Supporters' Strip: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/28/article-2054680-0E92889B00000578-119_468x451.jpg
  5. http://www.talksport.co.uk/sports-news/football/premier-league/1230/38/dalglish-attempts-end-myth-about-suarezs-diving Sure Kenny.
  6. Sifu


    Oh the irony of him ending that post with FTM!
  7. Steve Kean is quickly becoming one of my most hated managers in the PL. Deluded as fuck.
  8. I remember reading one thing that said that Sven was going to pick Shola in order to boost ticket sales for an England game at St. James'.
  9. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Trappatoni is an absolute idiot.
  10. Agree with all far too early to right the lad off but Marveaux has been impressive and Obertan will still get enough minutes.
  11. Oh yeah, forgot about that but yeah, crazy stuff!
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