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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    @lee_ryder Lee Ryder #nufc I'm told Joey Barton trained with the first team today 36 seconds ago via web
  2. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    As has been mentioned in the Arsenal pre-match thread: @Joey7Barton Joseph Barton @simonbirdmirror that comment was not literally to be taken on board, meant to aimed at over the coming seasons. Know one knows the team yet
  3. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    S*** stirring as usual.
  4. He is Celtic's main striker, don't think he'll be cheap (or for sale for that matter). Wouldn't mind him here tbh.
  5. Isn't that Ant & Dec as well Perfect. Aye it is!
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Are we allowed to sign the same player 3 times in a year? We'll be granted special dispensation in this case.
  7. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Unfortunately so.
  8. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Happy days! But on the plus side, once he comes back he actually will be like a new signing
  9. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He was having a dig at the journos. Aye, that's the way I see it but like bimpy has said, the journalists will find some way to twist his words (like our very own Lee Ryder).
  10. I am so fkn happy he is though, this is one occasion where I hope his childishness wins Aye.....
  11. No idea I check that BBC page every night as they list the headlines first, never seen them quote footybunker before. Maybe the person doing the gossip column on the BBC website got bored and decided to close their eyes and choose a random story from footybunker.........
  12. Why have the BBC stooped so low as to quote clearly bollocks sources?
  13. Very nice. But she is basically responsible for making Ashley and Llambias "look good in the press." So shes not very good at her job then Seems so!
  14. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic=69455.0
  15. Very nice. But she is basically responsible for making Ashley and Llambias "look good in the press."
  16. Nixon!? Ha, I do enjoy these stories in the tabloids. Not committing to anything, could have been watching any number of players, perhaps Toivonen even. The article itself really just doesn't say one thing or another, states a fact or two but that's it. As for Pieters good all round fullback, not the most attacking minded but can fill in at CB if needed. The lack of a price makes it hard to decide if the deals a good one or not. If it's say €3-4m I'd be happy. Surely he must be pretty good if he's first choice for the Netherlands? You'd think that wouldn't you, but then they aren't really blessed with LB's. Ajax played Anita there for a time, Tim De Cler is really old and Emanuelson has but few defensive capabilities. In some ways I'd equate it to saying 'Glen Johnson is fantastic, he's England's right back!'.
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/aug/07/newcastle-united-alan-pardew Good news
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