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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Exactly this, one more player isn't enough! Utter stupidity.
  2. So another "relatively easy" group for England. Hopefully, Capello will be nowhere near the England setup by the time the qualifiers start.
  3. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    I reckon this too actually.....
  4. Henderson to step it up then, oh wait.......
  5. He has a bright future ahead of him.
  6. I honestly reckon he has a bright future ahead of him.............(as long as he doesn't learn from Shola).
  7. Just got in (had a weekend long trip in Leeds) and the result is a fair one tbh. Defensively, we were poor. The goal aside, Saylor had a stinker tbh; Tavernier looked shaky (to be expected with this lack of experience really); Williamson and Simpson were meh. We're screwed if Jose does go and if Ferguson is out of action for the considerable future. We missed Coloccini today massively. In midfield, Cabaye was our best player. Some good tracking back and precise passing which was good to see. Vuckic was brilliant when he came on - was always looking for the ball, took his goal well and almost got an assist for Barton/Best. Barton, Jonas should have done better. Gosling was quiet as well. Up front, Ba was bright and did well to get the ball into the position where we scored our second goal from. Best played decent enough when he came on I thought. Sammy - good pace and does have a good left foot (when he shoots anyway, couldn't cross today!), just needs a lot more experience. And last but not least Shola - played like his usual self. Though now I'm honestly quite worried about our current situation. There were big flaws in all of areas of the pitch for us today and I really hope next week's game goes well though I'm not massively confident about that. We need a left back and a striker! (Or put Vuckic in the hole behind Ba). What I've said has probably already been said but thought I'd offer my honest thoughts about today too.
  8. Thought we had cooled our interest in Barnetta? Looks like he's the contingency plan to N'Zogbia?
  9. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    I'd still very much want us to sign Erdinc but this is really getting boring.
  10. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    If Birmingham lose Carr, they'll be in big trouble imo. I can see next season not going well for Hughton and co. tbh.
  11. I'd go along with that.
  12. Sifu


    I would have a go but her football talk is dire. You'd get more sense out of a drunken parrot. That bad? Seriously? Yeh she's pretty clueless. She genuinely thinks Alan Smith is a good footballer. A lot of lasses do for some reason. He's so awful it's hard to put it in to words - If you put him in centre mid I genuinely believe we would play better without him, we'd certainly give the ball away less!
  13. Ridiculous stuff regarding this whole Tiote visa issue. The club admin should have done their research properly.....
  14. We were never interested in him. Was only him who made noises about moving here iirc.
  15. That can only go well..............
  16. Sifu

    Our away support

    If you're talking about kane, nah he's been banned.
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