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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The only Nick I can think of is NSG but he hasn't been online in ages like....
  2. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    He can't really defend for one thing.
  3. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    I wonder who we will actually end up with, if he was Plan B to Gameiro, wonder who C is. Shane Long.
  4. Sifu

    Women's football

    Ah right my mistake, though that table = meh.
  5. I wish I shared your faith!
  6. Sifu

    Women's football

    Tbf, the US Women's Football team has always been of a higher standard than England's.
  7. If so, then it is indeed the end of the line
  8. That slightly puts me at ease. (Meh)
  9. Would be a good signing for Leicester (or any Championship team imo).
  10. He has declined rapidly these last few years though.
  11. Aye, I think £5-6m would be about right. Wonder if it's one from Erding and Long, or whether we'd go for both? Both
  12. Shane Long is not worth £10 million and will never be. £4/5 million tops.
  13. Bah, I wanted him to get a proper managing gig in a good league again.
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