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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. We've got 6 months to convince him to sign a new contract, not impossible. Indeed, especially if the club is confident that he's going to be starting the new campaign. But imo, he's definitely off come next summer if not this It would be nice to see him with this for the whole of next season though.
  2. Maybe Chelsea weren't interested in doing that? We should have tried for him in January though More than likely Don't think we had Sturridge in our sights in January, think we all thought that Carroll was staying at the time and didn't need extra players? Either way, Sturridge being on a 6 month loan last season would have done us very nicely. If only....
  3. Well, this is disappointing thing to hear! Like a few of you have said, it may be down to a wage issue. We could have tried to get him in on loan like and get Chelsea to pay at least half his wages......
  4. Nice to see that Ashley's sale policy is getting some publicity
  5. Sifu


    Wasn't first choice, you're welcome to him.
  6. The Mirror has certainly made me laugh these few days, Treacy and Ings
  7. Sifu


    Ah, just had a proper read of the BBC article, £12.5 million with add-ons.
  8. Sifu


    A £9 million bid accepted for Wickham. Bah, that could turn out to be a bargain.
  9. Sifu


    Don't think he's ready as yet for the PL (as in starting week in, week out). But give him a season or two and the mackems will probably have a great player on their books
  10. Ah feck , you've got me thinking of that again........
  11. Certainly a no news day from the Chronicle
  12. £1.2 million should just about do it then.
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