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Everything posted by nufcmichael

  1. Yeah me 2, excellent atmosphere, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did bluebiggrin.gif
  2. nufcmichael

    stupid question

    Because we had a UEFA cup game thursday and Chelsea have a Champions League game tuesday...
  3. Shitty game, but the atmosphere on O'Reillys was worth the whole trip, Copenhagen Mags, Toons of Denmark. I recorded this on O'Reillys thursday afternoon.
  4. Okay thanks for the help, gonna sleep now, leaving for Frankfurt in 7 hours...
  5. After finding out that Sterling is flying from my hometown to London and back for only £50 including all fees and taxes, i'm considering a trip to London to watch the last game of the season against Watford, I was just wondering, is it impossible to get tickets for the NUFC area or ?
  6. Given Ramage Huntington Taylor Bramble Solano Luque Butt Emre Sibierski Carroll
  7. I guess it's now the female posters should show themselfs, cause I refuse voting on a guy in this category.... Closet homo!!11 Never in life
  8. I guess it's now the female posters should show themselfs, cause I refuse voting on a guy in this category....
  9. The danish fanclub still has one ticket left for sale, no overprice, just the same price we gave for it, so give me a pm or a mail if you're interested... Edit: The ticket is sold...
  10. I seriously hate Spurs, their fans here in Denmark think that they're oh so good and that Arsenal cheated them and bla bla bla, midtable shit club is what they are
  11. Is it necessary to vote on all categories ? Best foreign poster should be me... or... bluelaugh.gif
  12. Best Premiership game this season, doesn't say that much really, but great performance by all the players, should have been 5-0 if it wasn't for James...
  13. Given Solano Ramage Taylor Bramble Milner Dyer Parker Zoggy Luque Sibierski
  14. Hmm is it goal difference that counts in the UEFA groups ?!
  15. Martins was pretty lively when he came on. Didn't do bad. :? He should have started. Agree on that, but still Sibi did a great game...
  16. By the way, when you look at Martins and Sibierski up front, it's very hard to tell if you didn't know, who we bought for £10m and who we got for free. I would say Sibi for £10m... bluelaugh.gif
  17. so what? So what, some people are going to Frankfurt, I would have liked to see more than a bunch of U19 players...
  18. Great win, only bad thing is that Roeder might play some kind of shit team in Frankfurt, but at least Luque will play, cause he won't play sunday, it's an important game...
  19. Well it ain't like the 5 other strikers are very scary either... Martins, a £10m mistake ? Luque, Roeder hates him... Rossi, just not good enough... Sibi, reserve in City, but good enough for NUFC ? Owen, injured 24/7/365...
  20. Christ, if he ain't good enough for Rangers, then he sure ain't good enough for Newcastle...
  21. nufcmichael

    New team name

    Newcastle United, nothing else...
  22. Dyer was the difference, class performance, and good fight by the other players, fully deserved point! So let's try to win the next game and get that takeover...
  23. The official danish stocksite has brought news today that Belgravia er close to a takeover in Newcastle. i'm starting to believe in this, danish medias usually never writes about Newcastle, and especially not stock sites...
  24. Winsper is just leaving the sinking ship before it goes under... :(
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