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Everything posted by nufcmichael

  1. Rob Lee as manager, Shearer and Les as assistant managers bluebiggrin.gif
  2. hmm I don't get Benitez, Hyypia is way to slow for Premiership football, Agger is much better, should have played today...
  3. Lars Jakobsen, right back from FC Copenhagen Michael Gravgaard, centerback from FC Copenhagen Both playing on the danish national team and both were playing when Copenhagen won against Man Utd...
  4. N'Zogbia, but Parker and Given also worth mentioning...
  5. Doubt tonight will help anything, we played like shit for most of the game and I honestly don't see us beating City on saturday...
  6. http://forum.football365.com/index.php?t=msg&th=229231&prevloaded=1&rid=&S=c26d7a7414bda06694f6fc8a92b66a9b&rev=&reveal=&start=0&count=40 I'm still laughing bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif
  7. nufcmichael

    The sell poll

    Keep: Taylor, Parker, Zoggy, Krul, Given, Owen and Dyer. The rest: Out!
  8. Djourou signed a 6 year contract in the summer and Cygan makes our current CB's look competent! Cygan doesn't play in Arsenal, he's in Villarreal...
  9. Lineup Krul Taylor Moore Shitus Ramage Milner Emre Parker N'Zogbia Luque Sibi Subs Harper Butt Rossi Carr Solano
  10. Yeah a good thing we bought Duff, so now we don't need Zoggy. Buying Duff was a huge mistake, £5m spent on a left winger, when we already had one of the most talented left wingers in the league. Milner and Luque can play there as well. We could have got a pretty good defender for those £5m. I never liked the duff deal and that hasn't changed after today, cause if Zoggy's leaving, then it's because of Duff forcing him out of the lineup...
  11. Agree Let's drop Martins, Owen, Ameobi and Rossi. Cause Luque got the goals bluelaugh.gif
  12. Carrick!??!?! What Carrick, the £20m failure from Man Utd? Saw him last night in Copenhagen, embarassing performance, nothing but an ordinary ball player...
  13. Zaccardo was missing, usually their 1st choise on the right back...
  14. Deportivo played with Tristan in front and with Luque on the left wing/striker and some other guy on the right wing/striker.
  15. I don't agree. Parker is a world class fighter and probably our best player this season...
  16. We beat the italians with their own tactics, class! Good to see Luque score and that we looked good defensively. Krul with an amazing debut.. The only thing that bothers me, is that i'm going to the Frankfurt game, and if we have already qualified there, Roeder might play the reserves, that would suck!
  17. nufcmichael

    Tim Krul

    Amazing debut, world class saves... nothing more to say
  18. Tonight just proofs why Man Utd won't win the CL or EPL, I have never seen Man Utd play that bad, they didn't even try to attack, they just moved the ball around and looked like they didn't care at all. Fully deserved 3 points for my fellow countrymen. I don't get how Ferguson can play O'Shea and Carrick on that midfield, Carrick is the worst piece of crap midfielder i've ever seen, and O'Shea is a defender, not at midfielder.
  19. Of those 3 clubs, I think West Ham and Liverpool will turn it around...
  20. Well since I live in Denmark, it's not that much. 9 shirts from 1993 to 2006 Duvet set Wallet Bag Football Casual sweater Pint glass 3 flags 8 scarves 1 mug stripe shirt tie tie slide playing cards That's about it...
  21. Why the flying f*** can't Roeder play Luque in these games, Martins is crap anyway!
  22. F****** class! I ordered my plane tickets some weeks ago, so very nice to see the date confirmed...
  23. If we lose to Charlton and Sheff Utd then Roeder is gone for sure. But how about Ranieri, you can't take away that he did a good job in Chelsea, would love him here, he's italian, he would focuse on our crappy defense...
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