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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Come on http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qZUxHPK9-xiQLM:http://www.jsu.edu/news/jan_june2008/ist2_2113003_chili_peppers_dancing.jpg!!
  2. From that replay, in absolutely no way is that an elbow by Kaka. In NO WAY.
  3. Ivory coast bunch of cheating bastards. Pathetic team of losers.
  4. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:rJbQaO3uYb3xrM:http://beetlebabee.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/pinky_brain.gif Tiote not happy about the yellow card.
  5. Perfect run by Drogba, perfect ball by Yaya.
  6. Ouch, could see the entire shin wobble from that challenge.
  7. Another assist by the "finished" Kaka.
  8. Andy Carroll would have buried that.
  9. Probably Henry. When Zidane was around, there were rumours of Henry/Vieira conspiring to get Zidane out of the team. Which may well be bullshit, but even so, Henry just looks like an arrogant, sneaky cunt the way he strolls around the pitch with his his annoying facial expressions.
  10. Injuries. Looks to have lost that burst of that pace he had at Milan.
  11. A year ago that comment would have been laughed down by some on here. What a difference a season makes. Has always been one of the best centrebacks in the world, easily better than the likes of Rio (although maybe more likely to make a mistake).
  12. What a pro joke by Mark Lawrensen.
  13. This. Absolutely shocking decision.
  14. Holy shit. They've bought this ref.
  15. tmonkey

    Jonas Gutierrez

    No. Though not deserving of the level of s**** the commentators have been throwing at him. Actual Argie defenders have put in worse shifts. and shearers jipped him loads too. prick. Shearer during his 8 games in charged preferred to drop him and play the likes of Guthrie out wide whilst keeping Nolan and Butt in the team. We were relegated soon afterwards. Great player, probably a crap manager and definitely a mediocre pundit.
  16. tmonkey


    Seem to be alot louder in this Slovakia Paraguay game.
  17. Game needs more: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:dMISWciqVp35rM:http://mszzz.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/sir_alex_ferguson___167634c.jpghttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:_wNz0tDQEaxMrM:http://thenextbarstool.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/arsene.jpghttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:B0qnSUkqJ_jP0M:http://www.virginmedia.com/images/kevin-keegan-280x400.jpg... and less: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:he2rB6dN-6JzBM:http://maail.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/jose-mourinho.jpghttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:isS_s8YwfIKOxM:http://u.goal.com/24500/24576_news.jpghttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:GBSDHwjpsLYiVM:http://www.liverpoolpies.tv/rafa.jpg http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:dSjc_uJkf-c1VM:http://thesportboys.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/fabio-capello.jpg... type managers.
  18. If he was committed to England he would have retired from international football when he decided to play third rate football in the states in exchange for large wads of cash. Instead he hung around picking up underserved caps and depriving other players the opportunity to gain experience. Clueless So what does he do? Provides more class crosses and breakthrough passes than any of the current squad manages. His pace may be gone, but f*** me you would be a totally different team with the option of a Beckham sub after 60 minutes if you needed that pass to break through a defence, which you do. He may possibly have been useful against Algeria in terms of a single cross or corner/free kick, but then again when it comes to the World Cup and mediocre/bottling performances, he was just as culpable as Lampard, Gerrard and co in previous World Cups when it came to pulling a disappearing act and being useless in possession. He's on the bench imo because it's a means to further the WC2018/2022 hosting bids. His career with England is effectively over, so having him in the dugout and visible makes him still relevant to the national team in some way, which may well be something the suits at FIFA will appreciate when it comes to deciding who wins the bid (i.e. same reason why the bids usually involve using current star players handing over dossiers). And I'm all for that if it means England gets to host it again. Especially with 2014 hosted by Brazil (outside of Europe twice - now lets go back to Europe and the home of football itself!).
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