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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. are you writing him a fan letter or something? Its either that or i'll be making Jonas bedsheets, duvet covers and pillow cases. TBH his performance was better than Kaka's at Old Trafford 2 seasons back.
  2. tmonkey


    http://www.freecrosses.com/picture_jesus_6.jpg Jonas Gutierrez http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/javaImages/de/aa/0,,10278~3713758,00.gif Jesus Christ
  3. Dembele would be promising signing.
  4. I would guess very little because he's been injured most of the time - which means airtime, extra viewers etc would be few and fair between, and he's pretty much yesterday's news when it comes to being a star player. Theres nothing in his game that would make you want to switch on and watch him purely because he's playing, unless you like seeing a few neat little passes and off-the-ball runs into the box that usually dont get picked out. In terms of the bigger picture, he's probably cost us more than appointing Souness did. We bent over backwards to build a team around him and essentially built a house on sand which crumbled quicker than you could say "O Lord Shepherd, Grant Us Good Weather For This Years Fair Harvest" - no hindsight necessary at the time to forsee that. Pretty similar to the Shearer signing + squad dismantling in terms of gambling the fate of the side on one star player. Quite good with contingency planning the previous board were... http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:yzZxmo3dH4wp_M:http://communitiesonline.homestead.com/files/troll_2.jpg
  5. When I type Gutierrez in Microsoft Word, it does not get thrown up as an incorrect spelling. Thats how good Jonas is. Even Microsoft have acknowledged his greatness.
  6. Speaks volumes about his fitness issues that they actually went out and bought Emre to replace him.
  7. First time since Bellamy left that we've posed a real threat on the counter.
  8. Eh? Milner has done practically nothing except to hit a good cross towards an invisible player of ours at the back post.
  9. He's pretty similar to Steve McManaman. Which is not a bad thing, because McManaman was pretty underrated as a team player imo.
  10. Does nothing but run into empty space then pass to the closest player.
  11. Guthrie has been very good. Certainly showing Butt up in terms of tackling and then being able to pass the ball competently.
  12. That was a fucking stone wall free kick/penalty. Cowardly refereeing.
  13. Still probably miles better than Big Al. I honestly think Big Al would be a better pundit if he said nothing and just answered questions using body language. Like a speecless version of the newsreader from Family Guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC75xDwaBx4&feature=related
  14. Based on current info, would go with: Harper Beye Coloccini Taylor Enrique Gutierrez Butt Guthrie Milner Smith Duff
  15. Ashton's injury record now includes injury due to kicking a stationary football. "He's not injury prone, he's just been unlucky with injuries."
  16. .....and this little piggy went to Sunderland.
  17. tmonkey

    Tiago on loan?

    Jose Mourinho's love child. Was mediocre for Chelsea.
  18. If City are in financial trouble, how about offering £15mill plus Steven Taylor for Richards?
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