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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    This is the big difference between someone like Arda and Zog/Milner. On top of being able to produce some end product or flair, he's an excellent team player on the ball - lots of good passes and interlinking with those around him. With our two, its get the ball in certain areas, head down, run or cross, repeat ad nauseam. There's little to nothing in between the solo pieces.
  2. Most annoying team in the competition, at practically every level..
  3. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    I can imagine Arda putting that cross in and instead of Tuncay flapping at things like he always does, it'd be Micheal Owen tucking it away.
  4. Bar one foot, the guy's entire body looked beyond that yellow marker.
  5. Free transfer if there are no takers. Frequently injured, mediocre when he does play, massive wages, etc etc.
  6. Love it when defensive, boring teams get fucked over by teams that try to play good football on the deck and actually attack at every opportunity.
  7. Best goal of the tournament so far from Sneijder.
  8. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    He looks a good player, but I dont think he'd be a star in the Premiership. Same level as someone like Kranjcar imo.
  9. France are ridiculous. 1-0 down and still playing defensively.
  10. Just because a top 4 team wants him doesn't mean he's top 4 standard. Look at the last signing we made from a top 4 club.
  11. Tuncay getting tackled by a player who already has the ball.
  12. This is just class, makes the game 100 times more interesting. And that bald swiss leftback looks like Peter Ramage's dad.
  13. Tuncay a shoe in for worst player of the tournament.
  14. Am dreaming for this move to happen - and the dream gets better, because we then manage to sign Robinho (closest thing to Tino?).
  15. Engelaar looks good. Which means he'll probably already be out of our reach.
  16. Bit Gullitt/Valderrama like.
  17. International football is normally shit without the South Americans.
  18. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    Portugal are alot superior though in technical ability, and their closing down/defensive strength was impressive. Pepe and Carvalho could be an awesome partnership.
  19. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    TBH, I thought he looked and played quite similar to that Garrincha fella from 2J's compilation video.
  20. Probably sitting on a sofa handcrafted entirely from solified bank notes, courtesy of a SWP, when he made those statements. Everyone with a bit of common sense knew at the time that Chelsea were buying him just to stop Arsenal from getting what was, at the time, the most explosive winger in the Premiership.
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