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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. He was hoping/suggesting Arsenal get Bayern down to ten men earlier
  2. 80's: Serie A. 90's: Serie A by a country mile. 2000's: Mix of La Liga and Premiership. 2010's: Premiership.
  3. Look at that wanker pumping his fists like he's doing step dumbell aerobics.
  4. Great result, OK performance at best. The scoreline flatters us - they had numerous chances, particularly in the first half, to bury us, and we went into half time having created only one decent chance (Sissoko's goal) in 45 minutes of huffing and puffing whilst Hull missed 2 absolute stonewall sitters and had another 4 very good chances which they created, and then proceeded to gift us two goals from terrible mistakes at the back (their centreback Bruce's lack of agility - thank you nepotism) which essentially handed us victory on a plate. The point with Pardew has never been that we'd not pick up points under him. The 11/12 season is testament to being able to ride your luck and win games with the "wrong" approach. The issue is that this "method" of picking up points, where we simply rely on being clinical whilst hoping the opposition aren't, isn't sustainable in the long term. At some point we'll just be in trouble again when we lack a form player to win us games or the opposition teams take their chances more consistently.
  5. Was Pardew Florence Nightingale in a previous life or something? Nice little gift from Figsy there.
  6. Hull have had 5 very good chances (plus 1 free kick that was nearly in). We've created just the one chance and scored. Football
  7. Krul Debuchy Williamson M'Bwia Santon Sissoko Anita Marveaux Ben Arfa Remy De Jong This is a starting lineup (particularly midfield/attack) we'll never, ever see under Pardew. Why? Because the manager is a negative w***** who thinks his job is to find ways to stop the opposition and that a team without defenders in attacking positions isn't a team capable of competing in the Premiership. He has absolutely no faith in creativity until he has no other option to turn to it. Even though we have absolutely nothing to play for, even if we're playing the worst side in the league, even if Tiote, Gouffran, Shola & co are all unavailable, he'll not play this type of lineup - he'll stick Santon in midfield if need be because that's the type of manager he is. So utterly frustrating.
  8. That just sums up his whole mentality. Get to 75 minutes at 0-0 then see what happens. That's the absolute limit of his ambitions. It's so utterly dreadful. We never ever go out to try and put teams to the sword. It's graft, contain, graft, contain, graft and contain. With a bit of Welly-hoof-magic thrown in if we're lucky. I couldn't be more bored watching us plod our way through games. It's so interminably dull. I barely even celebrate our goals, mainly because each one means we have to look forward to a little bit longer of seeing week after week of turgid dross served up in front of us. Flair and guile mean nothing to this man. He'd have a peak-form Ginola shipped straight out. Laurent Robert would likewise last about 2 minutes as well. Indeed all the kinds of players that people would actually want to pay to see play have no place under Pardew. Those players that can excite you, get you on the edge of your seat. There'd be no Scott Sellars, no Asprilla. No Waddle and no Gascoigne. No Marveaux, no Ben Arfa. Just 10 try-hard grafters with perhaps one fairly talented grafter like Remy there to bail the rest out after 75 minutes of boredom. God I hate our team so much. Really desperate to see Pardew sacked before Marveaux and Ben Arfa depart. Absolutely convinced that a half decent, sensible manager would find a way to incorporate both into the team and possibly get us playing decent, meaningful football where we actually look to fashion chances using some guile/vision/technique rather than Pardew's trademark blind hope approach. I mean, even Alan Curbishley, as dire a manager he is, was a marked improvement over Pardew when replacing him at West Ham by virtue of simply deciding to play Tevez, a decision which kept them up in the end.
  9. Nice defending for Chelsea by Agent Drogba.
  10. Lee Dixon absolving David Moyes of all blame. Pundits in this country are just spineless wankers.
  11. Why is Kagawa on the bench?
  12. tmonkey

    Loïc Remy

    He'll be playing in the CL next season. I think it'll be Arsenal because he's French and reminds one of Henry.
  13. The build up to that goal was two deflections plus one shocking bit of defending from a centreback who had fallen apart by the end. Yet again, "science" aligns to give the luckiest manager alive yet more breathing space.
  14. Pardew's gameplan of the opposition wasting chances is going well I see.
  15. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    At no point in his NUFC career was Hatem ever more than a couple of average games away from being dropped. Terribly mis-managed by an utter wanker of a manager who continues to con the footballing world using a list of excuses as long as his arm.
  16. I still haven't gotten over this gem from Pards: "Davide Santon's midfield performance [against Chelsea] . . . forget about what it looked like to the naked eye, his stats were very good, which is great news. It gives us a player we can put in there now."
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