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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Cisse has played his part in two Arsenal goals now, but then he shouldn't be defending in that position.
  2. FFS. Just acres of space down our right and absolutely nothing to stop them.
  3. Criminal if he isn't a cast iron first teamer after today's performance. He looks twice the player Cazorla is (going solely by this game).
  4. Just a miserable Championship standard player hiding his way into a decent Premiership contract come the end of the season.
  5. This is the style of patient "carpet" football we should be playing every game. Pretty clear that the players have been instructed to keep possession, as the centrebacks are passing it on the deck 100% of the time.
  6. We've easily been the better team. Just the final ball is horrendous.
  7. tmonkey

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Evans was caught out by Cisse's movement/positioning, tried desperately to make up for it by pushing Cisse into an offside position (or hold him there once Cisse was already off), and then tried a cheap interception that didn't work because he couldn't adjust quick enough from a desperate push to a facing the correct way.
  8. Just have to hope he has a good game tomorrow and makes Wenger's mind up for him.
  9. We'll win this. Mainly because QPR are pants and will struggle to score away from home whilst we'll be going 'gung ho' for large periods (if not from kick off) - assuming of course that Pardew isn't completely daft. We'd be mad not to throw caution to the wind in this game even if it wasn't such a life-and-death game for our season, so can't see anything other than a mauling of QPR. 4-1, I'll go for 2 Ba, 1 Cisse, and 1 Santon.
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