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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Can imagine him going home, straight onto the PC and loading up WoW.
  2. I like that Neymar's performance has thus far match his hairstyle and beard.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey_punch
  4. I realise Aguero is meant to be a world class striker, but whenever I've seen him play this season he hasn't looked anything more than a "hard working/willing runner" type.
  5. Haha I love a bit of controversy. Look at that twat Mancini. Look at those City cunts booing when they all know their player is faking it. Fuck you cunts.
  6. tmonkey

    Alan Pardew

    I realise this isn't a fair view on Pardew, but I'll not be counting this fantastic win as brownie points for him. This isn't the first time we've done well against one of the top teams - the obvious inference has always been that players inherently raise their game against the top teams for a variety of reasons. On top of this, Pardew for some odd reason seems to be more open to playing the 4-3-3 (that many of us want the team to be playing on a permanent basis), with clear instructions to maintain some form of possession, against the better sides. We played some cracking stuff for example against ManU and Arsenal over the Christmas period, only then to revert back to the ugly, clueless hoofball soon afterwards. In short, he needs to stick with the system we started with today and the style of play. Only then does he start looking like a competent manager who isn't wasting arguably the most talented group of players we've had since Keegan's "Entertainers".
  7. He's like that comic book character who after 100 issues of not even existing, appears out of nowhere and just annihilates or trumps all the other superheroes by being better in every way.
  8. Probably there to track Ashley Cole. Who hasn't done much going forward in years. Ashley Cole that is.
  9. Saylor is a decent Premiership standard centreback at best, and his best was in the first half of last season. He has no outstanding attributes as a centreback, and weaknesses include being deceptively weak in the air, shying away from making a challenge, and backing off far too much. Much like Danny Simpson, he's capable of putting in decent defensive performances, but that usually depends on who the opposition are, i.e. whether the opposition team have players who'll actually run at him or challenge him (if not, he'll have a decent game covering and making simple interceptions).
  10. The quality hasn't been any better, but the tempo has been raised and there have been a few chances. Worth watching this just in case QPR lose and 'Arry starts twitching.
  11. Really annoys me we didn't just go with him in the championship season. 3 appearances ffs. Luckiest thing ever that Harper's shoulder went at the time it did. Krul would probably have remained on the bench and never had the opportunity to improve in the manner that he did thanks to consecutive starts. Probably thrown in here and there due to injuries, look fairly decent but too raw in areas to persist with, and then eventually discarded for not being good enough. Shane Ferguson is in the same boat. Might develop into a good player if given a good number of starts, but we'll never find out unless there's a mass exodus or half the squad is injured for a lengthy period of time.
  12. Samba's facial expressions and body language suggest to me that he's only there for the money. [/body language police]
  13. He was outstanding against Barca last night apparently, didn't watch myself but there's a lot of hype going around about his performance. Looked the complete package in that game. Good reading/anticipating/interceptions, decent distribution, good pace (outpaced Messi at one point), cracking recovery and slide tackles, good in the air - everything a centreback should be. Reminded me of a peak Jonathan Woodgate.
  14. Giroud should have buried that...but to be fair it came in bloody fast.
  15. That's a class finish by Walcott.
  16. Is this like the worst commentary ever? Zero excitement for what is still a big game.
  17. OMFG Jonas again. Like a hat-trick of pure shitness in 5 minutes.
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