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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. he does it every fucking time! and £2.5m for carrick??? is he pissed? (i take it he's talking pre-spuds, but still, thats a random mention)
  2. Sadly, we've been linked with both of them. pair kaboul with zat knght and you're we're lauging
  3. very nice! are her arms on backwards?
  4. does anal give an excuse for aimar? fucking knob
  5. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_3828805,00.html what a tool.
  6. i'd behappy with warnock. i thought he was a lot younger than 26 though!
  7. did he? lanky streak of (unfunny) piss
  8. interviewer: 'what would you be if you wern't a footballer peter?' crouch: - 'a virgin'. :lol:
  9. Aimar to benfica... apparently
  10. http://www.brfcs.co.uk/mb/index.php?showtopic=19147&st=60&gopid=639681entry639681
  11. thats me you daft c*** You're joking? Why the hell are you up his hoop ffs? im just fucking about, like the 'go back to where you belong wullie' comment. i'm going to keep it up, its par for the course on that board! i do hope you die though.
  12. Aye I clocked that earlier, ta. Do what Birmingham City did today... And Get Bent. merc'd!!!!!!!
  13. he reckons the agent met us and left around 6 ish. fuck off mate.
  14. lovejoy

    Oba And Out

    headline 'premier league shocker, player intends to see out contract'. good lad oba
  15. i've pm'd you you ignorant cunt of a man
  16. The man's a walking talking joke. aye, reckons he could be back on to benfica
  17. yep. all apart from chelsea and manure i believe
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