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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. We're still clamouring for Shearer. I love being told what I think.



    great isnt it.


    i also love being told im happier losing 4-3.


    they havnt got a clue man.

  2. every paper in the land cant stop talking about us, neither can the mongs on the radio, the pundits on the tv, or the ill informed muupets on ssn.


    yet we arn't a big club??


    dont seem to remeber this clamour when citeh sacked pearce, bolton sacked the dwarf, spuds sacked jol or fulham sacked sanchez.



    fuck the lot of them man.

  3. So he's now apparently paid off all of the debt?! Bloody hell.


    He's going to get much more hands on?! Bloody hell.


    All he wants to do is play attacking football and win trophies. Bloody hell.


    Obviously actions speak louder than words, but the prospect of this combined with Alan Shearer at the helm has me wetting my kecks.




    Here's how I feel about Shearer ... I think he would be a good manager but as far as buying players goes I think he would struggle massively.


    I think Shearer would be the sort to always go after Brits. Shearer would have bought someone like Smith too.


    Does he really have the knowledge of world football that will allow us to get the best players we possibly could to the club?


    That would be my biggest worry.



  4. I've never been sure of the financial implications of the debt he paid off, whether he just paid off loan debts for deals etc or whether he paid the lot off, including the mortgage on the stadium.


    He says there we don't owe anyone anything - if that's true and gate receipts will now go 100% into club coffers, that bodes fantastically well for the future. If you take a general rough estimate of, say, £28 per ticket, 52000 works out at about £1.5m per game. That's £27m over the season just for league games, without TV deals, sponsorship, the rest.


    Get the pending massive decision right and the future looks rosy, despite the current malaise.




    the thought of him hoying money at big al makes me sexpiss.



  5. Robbo asks for a transfer according to the Daily Mail.


    So much for 'I'm going to fight for my place in the team'.  Maybe the signing of Stekelenberg or Kameni isn't too far away and Robbo knows what that would mean.



    did he not expect to be drop after constantly making mistakes?



    and being shite

  6. If we've got £20m to spend and half of it went on Dean Ashton i'd be livid.


    We need 2 centre mids and 2 strikers imo - Diarra + D'Allesandro + Saviola + Crouch or something


    The defence will be good enough if he brings Tony Adams with him, keepers fine, wingers will do.


    2 strikers???????

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