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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. i think the late oba sub was due to rozenhal carrying a knock late on, he probs wanted to see if he could run it off before making his change.



    im pretty pleased with a point, an away game and a derby, point isnt bad to stop the rot.



    like many on here though i hope sam finds his best eleven pretty soon, as changing things every game doesnt help anyone.


    said it before and i'll say it again, we have all of the inconsitencies of mass change, give him time, people calling for him afetr 5 months or so is mornic tbh and its what gives us the bad name that the cockney journo's love to nail us for

  2. great news, and we have come a long way since freddy with sensible interviews like this.


    the biggest laugh i had at the weekend was that the rag that claimed big sam would be kicked out claimed hughes as a replacement.


    the one thing hughes has had at blackburn is time. we currently play with all of the inconsitencies that mass change brings, but sam will get it right, and it looks as though th emen in charge are prepared to wait as well.

  3. lets hope he stays away from the chairmans daughter...apparently the last manager didnt


    Isnt that just internet myth though?

    lets hope he stays away from the chairmans daughter...apparently the last manager didnt


    Isnt that just internet myth though?


    apparently not

  4. Its great to watch you lot get on your moral high horse about a web site that is free to post what they want. If you don't like it don't visit their site. I don't often visit .com, just because I don't, but when I do I have never seen anything that I would find objectionable, unlike many millions of other sites that are reportedly on the internet. This reminds me of people who complain about TV programmes and yet forget they have an off switch on the damn thing.


    I don't generally find things on there objectionable other than their pompous attitude, but encouraging people to effectively boycott a business is wrong. It's nowt to do with them in my opinion.


    Your analogy about TV makes me laugh tbh. Do you believe in censorship and classification of films on TV? Or do you believe the most sicko films you can imagine should be shown at any time of the day on the basis there is an on/off switch?


    My opinion on TV programmes and films has nothing to do with it.


    Back to the Rosies issue. They are not "encouraging" anyone to do anything. They are explaining a situation and giving people the opportunity to make their own decision. Just because .com has said they will not be going into a pub does not mean that no-one else should.




    The NUFC.com grog budget will no longer be spent in Rosie's as a result of this - and we would urge anyone and everyone to join us


    encouraging and urging are not to different imo


  5. just another example of them being mongs aas i stressed in the other thread.


    they do write some great stuff at times in fairness, but this sort of s**** is annoying.


    i would sue the arse off them if i was the new owner at rosie's



    If you find some of their articles annoying or you dont like the way they premote stuff.  Dont bother browsing NUFC.Com in future.  Problem solved.




    If you find some posts on here annoying or you don't like the opinion of some people to stuff, don't bother browsing nufc-online in future. Problem solved.




    agreed mate

  6. just another example of them being mongs aas i stressed in the other thread.


    they do write some great stuff at times in fairness, but this sort of s**** is annoying.


    i would sue the arse off them if i was the new owner at rosie's



    If you find some of their articles annoying or you dont like the way they premote stuff.  Dont bother browsing NUFC.Com in future.  Problem solved.




    if they dont want to be criticised, then they shouldn't put it on the WORLD WIDE web.

    problem solved! O0


    as i said they do write some great pieces, but this sort of shit is annoying.


    a couple of things they have done over teh past 12 months, like selling out wherever possible hasnt done them any favours with many many people who used to visit regulalry.


    i dont look on there half as often as i used to, this is now my first port of call, and im sure im not the only one.


    but as has been said its their site, so its up to them, but they have to accept crirticism

  7. That's pretty sh*t by nufc.com. The new owners might want to change things. That's business. If they don't want to drink there, fair enough. But why advertise the fact to try and stop others?


    just another example of them being mongs aas i stressed in the other thread.


    they do write some great stuff at times in fairness, but this sort of shite is annoying.


    i would sue the arse off them if i was the new owner at rosie's.

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