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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. If the axe does fall I would be in favour of Ashley selling up to the MyFootballClub site and letting the chips fall where they may.  Maybe set up a reality tv show and finally complete the transformation from serious football club to embarrassing national pantomime.


    Let it never be said that Newcastle supporters want instant success.  They want instant success and a manager with Champions League credentials to inexplicably take a giant backwards step in his career and give it to them.  Benitez and Capello have about as much chance of managing Newcastle as I have of dating Angelina Jolie. 


    Sack Sam and we'll get Shearer or Keegan at the very best.  If you aren't prepared for that then back Big Sam.


    spot on.



  2. I'm not annoyed at all tonight, eventhough we lost i couldn't care less because by the sounds of it we gave it a real go. All that matters really, if we keep doing what we did today


    This.  It makes me think Sam has the players backing too, which is huge.  Lets hope it's not back to normal soon.


    it certainly seemed as if he hs their backing when we scored, the celebrations were very passionate, from oba, smith, butt and barton especially.


    we worked our nuts off today

  3. There's been all this talk about how there aren't enough good English players, the Premiership is to blame, blah blah blah.


    But I think the bigger question is: Why are there no decent English managers? That the most credible English candidates are Allardyce or Redknapp is, well... incredible. Since Bobby Robson eased out of day-to-day football, there is no English manager in work who can claim a place at the games's top table.


    It's not a new problem, either.


    Last English manager to win the domestic league? Howard Wilkinson in 1992.


    Last English manager to win a European trophy? Bobby Robson in 1997. And before that you have to go back to the mid-1980s to find one. The last English manager to win what's now called the Champions League was Joe Fagan in 1984.


    So what's up with that?


    They all try and play safe football defensive tactics


    Why are there no English managers who are more tactically adept?


    walking into a line of fire here but i honestly feel people like allardyce are getting that way.


    problem is, the paul jewels etc of this world will never get a chance at a 'big club', i.e the top 4.


    i guess its a knock on of having what has been the best leagueu in the world, all of teh best foriegners want to play here, so we sign them, same thing with the top gaffers.


    its another reason why we dont have many english playing abroad, they all want to play here.

  4. one of the reasons i guess is because we have been a bit pre-historic over here in the past, using old methods and being stuck in our ways, and the continental approach was adopted, and succeeded, and we havnt caught up yet?


    if fergie had been born 100 miles south we wouldnt have this issue! :nope:

  5. There's been all this talk about how there aren't enough good English players, the Premiership is to blame, blah blah blah.


    But I think the bigger question is: Why are there no decent English managers? That the most credible English candidates are Allardyce or Redknapp is, well... incredible. Since Bobby Robson eased out of day-to-day football, there is no English manager in work who can claim a place at the games's top table.


    It's not a new problem, either.


    Last English manager to win the domestic league? Howard Wilkinson in 1992.


    Last English manager to win a European trophy? Bobby Robson in 1997. And before that you have to go back to the mid-1980s to find one. The last English manager to win what's now called the Champions League was Joe Fagan in 1984.


    So what's up with that?


    They all try and play safe football defensive tactics


    they have no choice realy, people want them out after 13 games so they are shit scared of losing! ;D (i'll keep that for the other thread)



  6. If we sack him, what exactly will it accomplish? When are people going to realise that this depressing cycle of hire em and fire em is not the answer. What if his replacement makes a hash of it, will we want him out after 13 games?


    Two examples- Moyes and Redknapp. Its taken them a good few seasons to mould some strong looking sides but if they'd been at NUFC they would never have had the chance as they would have been sacked yonks ago.


    the most sensible post in here.


    a third example is hughes.


    give him some time for fucks sake, he'll get there.


    and if he gets there playing s**** football, i for one couldnt care.


    we've played s**** football for years, and lost.


    we might as well play s**** football and win.



    The thing is we are playing rubbish and losing


    hence the words IF HE GETS THERE.

  7. give him some time for fucks sake, he'll get there.


    You don't know that so why make assumptions?   There is currently no evidence whatsoever to suggest he can turn things around.


    Comparing Allardyce to the likes of Moyes and Hughes is stupid as their expectations when they got appointed were not half as high as ours were this season.




    you don't know he wont, so are we going to have one of those arguments? surely not.


    and there surely is evidence, like our best start in 11 years. and also what he did at bolton, we hvant had a manager with a track record in a good while.


    yes we have had 4 very very poor games, but thats not grounds to sack him is it.

    if your expectations were higher than those of blackburn and everton then you're an idiot.



    then again, after your luque craic that pretty much adds up

  8. If we sack him, what exactly will it accomplish? When are people going to realise that this depressing cycle of hire em and fire em is not the answer. What if his replacement makes a hash of it, will we want him out after 13 games?


    Two examples- Moyes and Redknapp. Its taken them a good few seasons to mould some strong looking sides but if they'd been at NUFC they would never have had the chance as they would have been sacked yonks ago.


    the most sensible post in here.


    a third example is hughes.


    give him some time for fucks sake, he'll get there.


    and if he gets there playing shite football, i for one couldnt care.


    we've played shite football for years, and lost.


    we might as well play shite football and win.

  9. No wonder Love Joy's comments are so ill-informed, now I understand he gets his laughable insights and gossip from the guy who told him O'neil was nailed on, what a blather mouth.....


    p.s its lovejoy, not love joy.


    just so you know mate

  10. No wonder Love Joy's comments are so ill-informed, now I understand he gets his laughable insights and gossip from the guy who told him O'neil was nailed on, what a blather mouth.....


    the same bloke who told .com that deco is nailed on...and rivaldo.


    some source eh ;D

  11. Only so many hours in the day, but when one reads wankery well it's hard not to.

    Can anyone find anything to disagree in said waffle?

    NUFC.com, have if anything kept their powder dry over the shambles over the past games.........


    i can find things in past waffle.


    like that bramble bollocks they came out with.


    but then again, we all make mistakes :razz:

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