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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. would love to see him here. when have we ever had a centre half for the younger players to learn from???


    i think he would bring taylor on as well.


    him and ben haim/distin would be great

  2. as has been already said, very error prone.


    i cringe when i see him line up against drogba, i dont think anyone gets tortured more!

  3. .com's my home page, when I opened Firefox and immediately saw Bramble described as a potential England defender, I nearly laughed my tits off.


    same here.



    it would have been interesting to see their spin on the bramble release if it was any other manager, i think they just have the knives out for sam, big time


    the problem i think that we all have is the fact that they claim to be the 'fans voice' and are as backward as the rest of the press.


    Oh aye. Where do they "claim to be the 'fans voice'", then?


    i think everyone knows exactly what i meant.



    OK, so they don't claim to be "the fans voice".


    like i said,look elswhere for an argument

  5. On the basis of what people are suggesting, it would make sense not to sign anyone until the existing players have been given a decent run out under Allardyce to see if he can make them any good.


    Fact is that to improve our team, Allardyce is going to have to make his own assessment of the existing squad, and as he hasn't had the chance to work with our current squad, he will make decisions that with hindsight will be the wrong.


    He will sign players in the wrong positions, he will fail to sign players in needy positions. He will sign players that can't adapt with the exist personnel.


    Future transfer windows will be much better than this one.


    Rafa Benitez sufferred the same problem when he took charge at Liverpool. At least Allardyce has some advantage in that he can identify the players that can or can't play in the Premiership.


    I'm prepared to accept that this summer's transfer window will not be the definitive fix for all our woes.


    good post.

  6. Quite aside from the Bramble debate, the point they made about Sam's unilateral boycott of BBC reporters leaving the club open to media abuse is probably a fair and valid one. It's not like reporters won't just love the chance to stick the knife in, because it doesn't suit their news agenda. Would be preferable if the Panorama issues could be resolved during the close season period, IMHO.


    i agree with that point mind, its time sam buried the hatchet with them now he is at a new club and all.


    like .com said, give them a clean slate as well.


    i reckon sam will stick to his though, unlike the goons.

  7. Has anyone thought of the possibility that Allardyce wanted Bramble to stay but that he's had freedom of contract since Xmas(?) to talk to other clubs and that he may have a deal lined up elsewhere?


    nah, its much more interesting to say it was 'rotten management' div'nt spoil it for them man!


    the problem i think that we all have is the fact that they claim to be the 'fans voice' and are as backward as the rest of the press.


    Oh aye. Where do they "claim to be the 'fans voice'", then?


    i think everyone knows exactly what i meant.


    if your looking for an argument, look elsewhere.


    or dont post in the 'tedious' thread.



  9. I happen to think that they are spot on in that article.


    No way was Allardyke responsible for releasing those players and due to our worefully thin squad i think the offer of a 12 month contract to Bramble would have been justified bearing in mind that the centre halves we have on our books now consist of Steven "2 Pools" Taylor (who makes a lot of f*** ups as well), Peter "Damage to some" Ramage ( who gets slated here there and everywhere), Paul "Does my bum look big in this" Huntington and David " I scored against man Utd you know" Edgar.


    We're hardly brimming with talented, experienced centre backs are we?



    no, but we were hardly brimming with them 24 hours ago before they were released were we??


    i think its a clear intent to improve that area, and after what i have seen this season, it seems a pretty good start to me.

  10. I agree. It's appalling! Shouldn't be allowed!!


    How dare these supporters have their own website on which they post their own opinions!


    the problem i think that we all have is the fact that they claim to be the 'fans voice' and are as backward as the rest of the press.


    and they shouldnt put their 'opinions' on the world wide web if they dont want criticism.


    dont worry ozzie, im sure they are used to it.

  11. One of the most pathetic things was their piece where they compared the last 16 matches of Newcastle & Bolton :lol:


    i know, muppets, that steve curry as well, from the daily express i think (ask ozzie), tried to make the same point on jimmy hill's show on sunday morning, he got shot down from all angles.


    bottom line, bolton were 5th/6th when he left.

  12. i have said it before and i will say it again...


    How tedious.


    It's their website and they can express whatever opinions they want. If you don't like it, why don't you send them an email?


    already have done thanks.


    why dont you send your mate from the express one to dig some dirt up on him? and try to shame the club?


    your good at that


    NE5 impersonations do not relieve the tedium, but enhance it.


    it isnt an impersination ozzie, im sure you will remember that i was disgisted about it at the time, but it was never resolved because you buzzed off for about 6 months after it, not sure why like.....?


    anyway, if its so 'tedious' dont read it, you dont have to, and dont reply to it, as it may 'enhance your tedium'.




  13. Lareya Kingston, Kevin Nolan and Nicolas Anelka.


    Sam has been tracking Kingston for over a year and was very keen to get him to Bolton. An aggressive left sided /CM no- nonsene midfielder with pace and determination is highly admired by SA. The Ghanian international is very much a SA type player. Also plays in the middle.


    It is nailed on we will make an offer for Kevin Nolan in the summer. IMO would be a great addition.


    Anelka is a world class forward and the first on the list in the event of the departure of Owen or Martins. Said to be wanting to move on and strong rumours of £10m offer on the table from Juventus. In the past Nicolas has shown a strong desire to play for Newcastle when he came back from Turkey and ended up at Bolton. Top player and Sam seems to have his ear.




    and not a defender among them, its unofficial alreet!

  14. Miserable wankers imo. And I think it's fair to assume that "Everyone starts with a clean slate" meant players still under contract.




    a 'clean slate' doesnt mean offering dead wood new deals surely to god??



    What about them giving Allardyce a clean slate?



  15. Miserable wankers imo. And I think it's fair to assume that "Everyone starts with a clean slate" meant players still under contract.




    a 'clean slate' doesnt mean offering dead wood new deals surely to god??



  16. i have said it before and i will say it again...


    How tedious.


    It's their website and they can express whatever opinions they want. If you don't like it, why don't you send them an email?


    already have done thanks.


    why dont you send your mate from the express one to dig some dirt up on him? and try to shame the club?


    your good at that

  17. i have said it before and i will say it again, 'nial and biffa' are a pair of goons who have got well above their station.


    i can see already that they are going to be against big sam and on his back at every opportunity, depsite yesterday saying they had vented their splein and were now 100% behind him.





    now they are saying it is 'rotten management' to get rid of titus? are they all there?


    yesterday they commented on the bbc reporters digging up dirt on big sam.



    pair of f****** mongs, who will lose the fans if they are not carefull, it is the first time we have all been positive in years


    'the fans voice' my f****** arse.

  18. I'll leave it all in the capable hands of Sam and trust him to do what is best by the club whether that means keeping Owen or peddling him.


    I personally would sell him, get as much as we can for him or try and initiate some kind of swap deal with interested parties if they have players we need and or are interested in ourselves.


    If he does stay though I can't help feeling we'll have these same discussions every week and I don't know whether a new manager (especially at Newcastle) could do with all this uncertainty, not when so much work is to be done.


    Lets face it, despite being a great player (was?) he arguably falls into the more trouble than worth camp when you factor in the fact his contract is winding down with every week, decreasing his sell on value, the wages he gets, his injury record and the uncertainty as to whether he and Martins can play together.


    Mind if he did stay and showed his commitment by signing a new deal, I'd be delighted and that would be the best case scenario as his goals could make all the difference.


    Down to Sam though.


    PS I don't think he will leave, not for another season anyway. He's no mug Owen, but he's a sensitive lad and cares about his image as much as his career, as the two go hand in hand. He'll at least hear Sam out and will no doubt be interested in the "what if" factor, as he'll not have forgotten what happened to Liverpool in Rafa's first season. What if he stayed...



    exactly this.


    to be honest i dont give a toss who wants to go/goes, for the first time in years we have a manager who i trust 100% and will back on every decision.

  19. chron today reckons big sol is aiming for a move up here, and rumours are sam is after j lloyd samuel of aston villa and will talk to steve sidwell.



    headline says 'four or five' may come in


    There a linkage available?


    Bramble and Moore for Ben Haim and Campbell...




    the chron site, im sure you know it by now!




  20. chron today reckons big sol is aiming for a move up here, and rumours are sam is after j lloyd samuel of aston villa and will talk to steve sidwell.



    headline says 'four or five' may come in

  21. Very impressive, he didn't need to convince me but he's sold himself fantastically well. Key word: Implement!


    He's brash, confident, arrogant, sure, articuluate, convincing and very very convincing. If he doesn't work out, no-one will. I predict nothing but success under him, it will take time as the man himself rightly said but it will come and I for one am f****** delighted. Half the stuff he came out with could have been answers to my own questions, like the fitness problems, big contracts, spending daft money on players who don't really want to be here, diet, structure, coaching - everything.


    WOO HOO!


    So happy. Can't wait for next season. Welcome to Toon Sam.






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