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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. I thought I'd heard that the fans were helping out on Sunday by removing a few of the offending seats.
  2. The pressure to remain one place ahead of Newcastle in the premier league standings will force Bruce to go all in on the first possible replacement.
  3. So have SAFC done anything about this kid yet? Have they banned him from the ground, wagged their finger at him and said don't do it again, or just tousled his hair and said "Kids these days!!"
  4. No really, just saying that Keane's estimation of his value and their's are not the same.
  5. Where the **** do you find impartial stewards in the NE region? Some sort of exchange program with Plymouth Argyle?
  6. Nolan: Hey, Makems.....wanna play a game of "Spot the Ball?"
  7. Exiled in Texas


    Interesting points from LOTG - Contact does not have to be made with an opponent for a foul to have been committed. The laws say "Kicking, or attempting to kick and opponent". So a swing and a miss is the same as making contact, if the referee judges that there was intent. Impeding a player (often called obstructing a player) means that a player prevented an opponent from moving buy there was no contact (hence the IFK). If contact was made then it would be a DFK depending on what contact was made. Re - Walcott - placing a hand on the arm would not really be considered holding, there is an expectation that a certain amount of physical contact is unavoidable as long as it's reasonable.
  8. It's not the rules......it's the interpretation. And that's where the problem arises.
  9. Exiled in Texas


    Just because he dived, doesn't mean that there wasn't a foul too. [/devilsadvocate]
  10. I think Howard Webb would have willingly given De Jong a retrospective Red Card (and Ban) for the kung-fu kick that he was shielded from seeing during the World Cup. He said after the game that he was shielded from the actual kick and could guess at what happened but couldn't be sure.
  11. No point comparing De Jong incident to Tiote, because the referee saw De Jong and said No-foul. You don't want to create a culture of trial-by-video with every tackle being reviewed, but there is merit in allowing post-game review. My question regarding the rule about whether the referee saw it is, there appears to be a hard/fast rule about whether the referee saw it or not. Whereas, the question is really, did the referee see enough to make a complete decision. In the case of De Jong, the referee said that he saw it, and from his position he saw no foul. So the FA could not investigate and review it with all the video evidence (Much of which points out that the referee did not get a complete look at the incident, and only saw part of the challenge). I would prefer to allow the referee to review these incidents post game, and answer the question "had you seen all the views presented through video replay, would your decision have been the same". Have the FA request that the referee review incidents that they deem necessary rather than clubs trying to initiate the process. I'd also add further penalty to any appeal that was upheld to reduce frivolous appeals.
  12. So you've never heard the Everton chant: Tim Timinee, Tim Timinee Tim Tim Terooo We've got Tim Howard and he say's "F*** You"
  13. That is wonderful. Great job whoever created that.
  14. justice for the Ninety-sinks FYP
  15. Because, of course, Babel had a perfect game and didn't make any mistakes......oh, wait......you never scored so you'll never have a chance of winning the game.
  16. Exiled in Texas

    Joey Barton

    Am I just being an idiot... I thought the article above was fake?? I would have thought the URL was a bit of a giveaway, not to mention the fact it doesn't work. Yeah, it was fake. I was just pissing about as during the game, I kept thingking that only a few weeks ago the Hammers wanted to buy Barton for a pittance and then he dismantled them in the game. I thought the URL would be the give away.
  17. Preferably by -5 goals, so our 6-0 can be the difference
  18. Aww. Was used for comedy purposes, wine tastes like piss tbh. Quick, someone tell Messi and he can get his user name back
  19. Harsh, he was surrounded by shyte and was the only player who turned up circles for them tonight. FYP
  20. In the US, the games are blacked-out locally unless they are sold out. Only available on Cable/Satellite season packages unless they are a sellout. There must be some financial incentive from the local TV companies to show the games locally too, because the team owner will often buy up the last 5000 tickets and donate them, in order to get the game onto TV.
  21. I knew Mali, Malawi and Mozambique, but cheated with the Atlas for Mauritania.
  22. Daft question, like I'm going to remember that. Mali - Is in West Africa (close-ish to Ghana) Mauritania - West Africa Malawi - East/Southern Africa Mozambique - East/Southern Africa
  23. Yep, the gift that keeps on giving And maybe the moniker will stick {{mwahahahahahah}}
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