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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Pet hate - teams expecting that the ball is kicked out of play for an injury during an attack, and then also expecting to give the ball back to the defender/goal keeper. Saw this a few times with team in posession in the other teams half and due to a player down, them wanting the ball kicked out. Then instead of restarting from where it went out....they also wanted to get it all back to the keeper and start over. Even saw an attacking player give the ball to the defender to put it out of play and he refused to touch it. Well, screw them....either put it out of play yourself or we're playing. [uS High School has the right idea - IFK to team in possession if play stopped for injury]
  2. As a referee - the policy is Shirts Tucked-in (so we can see the shirt pull), but I'm not that bothered really about in/out. Socks must be up though as Shin Guards must be covered. I do watch that one.
  3. Time to invest in our own future and let Krul play. If we're not willing to play him now then sell him because he'll never be ready if he doesn't get some game time experience.
  4. Was at the NY red Bulls @ FC Dallas game this week. Never really thought of Henry being a big guy but he seemed quite tall compared to rest of the players. Game got quite tasty with a few thundering tackles and a early Red Card to Dallas' Shea.
  5. What an awesome attitude!!!
  6. Wolves Dave Edwards http://www.clevescene.com/images/blogimages/2009/08/20/1250794025-jane-lynch1.jpg Glee's Sue (Jane Lynch) http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49110000/jpg/_49110788_wolves_226.jpg
  7. Or play a rugby match and let me know how it went for you. That's the point - thinking that football is different from other sports. Rugby is much more physical than football, although the physical contact is different. So how do Rugby players maintain their discipline in the heat of their battle, when footballers can't.
  8. I'm gonna get shot down here, but here goes..... When I started refereeing, I was told that referee were expected to start out perfect, and then get better. So if a referee is expected to be perfect and answer to the media for every mistake, then shouldn't players also. Everytime a player makes a mistake doesn't clear the first defender with a cross, mis controlls a pass, skys a shot - what happens "hand up- soz lads" and then move on. Referees make a fraction of the number of mistakes in a game that players make - I don't see how there should be such a different level of expectations. ok - tin hat on - I know I'm gonna get it.
  9. WTF is that Mackem doing to Tevez??
  10. Does no one else see him looking like Charlie Chaplin or Grandad in that photo?
  11. Depends how far offside and how obvious it was. If it was marginal then no-one could have disputed it. But you can't rig something that is/isn;t there. In blow outs like that (when I am refereeing) then I might have a different tollerance for fouls etc for one side or the other. If one team is much better, then I expect them to play better too. SO one team may need to play through some challenges (as long as not dangerous) and the other might not be allowed to even breathe on the other team and in a 13-0 game one side was clearly much different to the other.
  12. I'm not surprised. I'm sure that the EPL want to see VDV playing in their league this season so of course they will sanction the transfer.
  13. Hahah I thought they were Joe King when I heard the news.
  14. NUFC were trending downhill - and I suspect that relegation might well have come in a season to two anyway with the way that we were playing and being run. So perhaps we are now ahead of the cycle and on the way back up a year or two ahead of the other reality. For me - relegation was necessary to re-set the mindset of the fans that we are not going to spend wads of cash here/there/everywhere on has-been players or trophy signings. The idea that we have 50K crowds and can afford to compete with big-4 clubs for players etc was a big problem. Think about the reaction to Saylor's contract....now we are telling him to accept it or leave and fans are happy with that, whereas two years ago it would have been "just pay him the £60K....we had 50K in the ground and can afford him". Personally, I think we are ahead of where we might have been.
  15. Technic That's a ludicrous price for a full international who will clearly have done well if he's played 25 games and kept us up. I'll wait for confirmation (and the end of the transfer window) before praising the board but it looks a cracking deal. alternativly its a ludicrous price for a player who walked out on his previous club to secure an 11mill euro move and his current (?) club are prerpared to lose half of that to be rid ? go figure....if he does come in on a sign on permanent later deal i'd like to know how binding it is towards him AND us ? Comes down to whether you trust Hughton to be able to handle him. He's trouble, of that there's no doubt. Assuming Hughton has a say in transfers () he clearly believes he can tame him. Hopefully a positive of this circus is that the player is no longer quite so highly-rated as when he was younger and wants to prove himself in this league. Didn't the HBA/Marseille situation start when MRS said that he should leave and find a new club. Can't really blame him for not feeling wanted/appreciated and all warm n fuzzy about MRS. It's like telling your lass to sling her hook because you're about to hook up with a new one that's prettier and has bigger boobs, and then wonder why she won't stay when the new girl falls through. no its not, its like your employer saying times are tight and you may have to go then saying "hey we've got a new order. if you want to leave you'll have to put your notice in" And at that point when you already have a new job lined up.....do you say, of course I'll stay, I never wanted to leave you? or do you tell them that your off and they can kiss your ***? doesnt matter if you are still under contract to them. Technically yes - but the question was about whether he was a distruptive influence - and it looks like MRS told him to find a new club and so he did. So the initiating factor of this was due to MRS not HBA. Would he have stayed and been happy if MRS had valued him and wanted him to stay?
  16. Not his driving test as N'somnia's brother took that for him.
  17. That's a ludicrous price for a full international who will clearly have done well if he's played 25 games and kept us up. I'll wait for confirmation (and the end of the transfer window) before praising the board but it looks a cracking deal. alternativly its a ludicrous price for a player who walked out on his previous club to secure an 11mill euro move and his current (?) club are prerpared to lose half of that to be rid ? go figure....if he does come in on a sign on permanent later deal i'd like to know how binding it is towards him AND us ? Comes down to whether you trust Hughton to be able to handle him. He's trouble, of that there's no doubt. Assuming Hughton has a say in transfers () he clearly believes he can tame him. Hopefully a positive of this circus is that the player is no longer quite so highly-rated as when he was younger and wants to prove himself in this league. Didn't the HBA/Marseille situation start when MRS said that he should leave and find a new club. Can't really blame him for not feeling wanted/appreciated and all warm n fuzzy about MRS. It's like telling your lass to sling her hook because you're about to hook up with a new one that's prettier and has bigger boobs, and then wonder why she won't stay when the new girl falls through. no its not, its like your employer saying times are tight and you may have to go then saying "hey we've got a new order. if you want to leave you'll have to put your notice in" And at that point when you already have a new job lined up.....do you say, of course I'll stay, I never wanted to leave you? or do you tell them that your off and they can kiss your ***?
  18. That's a ludicrous price for a full international who will clearly have done well if he's played 25 games and kept us up. I'll wait for confirmation (and the end of the transfer window) before praising the board but it looks a cracking deal. alternativly its a ludicrous price for a player who walked out on his previous club to secure an 11mill euro move and his current (?) club are prerpared to lose half of that to be rid ? go figure....if he does come in on a sign on permanent later deal i'd like to know how binding it is towards him AND us ? Comes down to whether you trust Hughton to be able to handle him. He's trouble, of that there's no doubt. Assuming Hughton has a say in transfers () he clearly believes he can tame him. Hopefully a positive of this circus is that the player is no longer quite so highly-rated as when he was younger and wants to prove himself in this league. Didn't the HBA/Marseille situation start when MRS said that he should leave and find a new club. Can't really blame him for not feeling wanted/appreciated and all warm n fuzzy about MRS. It's like telling your lass to sling her hook because you're about to hook up with a new one that's prettier and has bigger boobs, and then wonder why she won't stay when the new girl falls through.
  19. All teams are equal but some are more equal than others.
  20. Also known as setting yourself up for a fall. Under Promise and Over Deliver. That's the smart thing to do. I most definitely wasn't being serious! LOL On this board you never know It does get a tad Bi-Polar at times
  21. Also known as setting yourself up for a fall. Under Promise and Over Deliver. That's the smart thing to do.
  22. I'm going to hedge my bets and get Bull Arda on the back of my shirt
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