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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. I reckon we should bring back Messi, but as a forfeit, change his user name to Pissi for the rest of the season. Seeing him named as Pissi for the rest of the season would make me laugh at the thought of this thread.
  2. http://19foster92.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/snow-inside-st-james-park.jpg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEwBm6ftwBiPjnkMtxdcJqvAlpoAeQs5l4WO9VP9W-c5k4it3-aw
  3. I think he deserved the ban for not even trying to pass off a faked attempt. He was given plenty of suggestions about trying apple juice or lambrusco...We deserve better than that.
  4. Just saw this article too on NBCSports... Boys In The Snood: Big, stupid soccer controversy in England Here’s another good example of why soccer will never truly take root in the U.S. The big controversy in England right now is over the snood — a trendy circular scarf worn by soccer players to ward off the cold. And of course Man United boss Sir Alex Ferguson is anti-snood, having just banned his players from wearing them. But the true controversy is not over the garment itself, but the reaction to it. Ferguson: “They’re for powder puffs. Real men don’t wear things like that. Get ‘em off.” Bud Grant approves. The Snood has become increasingly popular in British football during the cold snap, especially with foreign players. Snood wearers include Man City’s Carlos Tevez, Yaya Toure and Mario Balotelli. Arsenal’s Samir Nasri and Liverpool keeper Pepe Reina are also fans. OK, no snoods, because they’re not manly. Yet this is OK? Ex-Leeds United hardman Norman Hunter, 67: “We used to rub Algipan oil all over. That kept us warm.”
  5. Not bothered about hats or gloves. But wearing these snoods look rediculous.
  6. Players wearing these huge scarves (shawl collars) under their shirts. Big puffs.
  7. Hahah...I read that statement but missed reading the letter L in "Clock" I guess it made more sense without the L.
  8. Exiled in Texas

    Joey Barton

    Haven't you been paying attention? He's an Evertonian not a Liverpudlian.
  9. Works for a 'mong' image lol but faces are probably done to death here. http://www.clockworkjunkie.com/assets/no/nolan.png *Not sure if a transparent png will show well in ie though. Looks great in my IE
  10. Someone Tweet him a link OK then. I'll send him a link to the Jose thread. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,55154.msg1442077.html#msg1442077 That thread should be deleted He's got a point when the opening post is from 2008 and says
  11. Not really too much to ask for is it? Just a team and a club to be proud of.
  12. I know this s***s on the other lower league teams, but I'd love to see the reserve teams have a meaningful league to play in. I think this happens in Germany in the lower leagues. I wonder what rules/regulations there are about what league they can play in, can they get promoted, what players can play in reserves vs first team etc
  13. Exiled in Texas

    Joey Barton

    He was an idiot and the "not fit to referee" chants were loud and clear. Most of the bad refs we get are just incompetent, this guy actually looked biased. The funny part of this statement is that the Liverpool fans reckoned the same thing.....so the Ref must have been biased in both directions.
  14. Exiled in Texas

    Joey Barton

    He is still here. I watched my first Villa match in 1973. I am honestly struggling to think of a single midfielder we've had play for us in any regularity since then who has impressed me less in the intervening 37 years. And I'm including some real dross in that consideration. He's an absolute toilet of a player. In fact, no, that's wrong. To be classed as a toilet, to earn any sort of classification, he'd had to do something to get noticed. He's the most anonymous player I have ever, ever seen. Under MON he'd get used for 10-15 mins as a sub, and avoid the ball. Under Houllier, he is fortunately one of the players struck down in our injury crisis. He's the only one of them I am hoping has a setback. And for that he's picking up, what, 45,000 pounds a week? Wrong. Brummie.....quick clarification please. Is Sidwell a toilet from before or after the Villa/Brum game? Just wondering just how bad he is
  15. Pardew said he'd be in charge but would take advice from Pedro and Stone. Translation - I'm in charge if we win, but it's not my team/responsibility if we loose
  16. Success for sure - Pard-ewwwwwe only took us down 4 places from 12 to 16th and he didn't get us relegated like he normally does.
  17. I happen to of heard newcastle called a town many a times by its residents including myself Because we all know that the word Toon is an affectionate derivative of the word City, and we're really saying that we are "going into the city" rather than going down to the town.
  18. Ice cream is finished and I hear footsteps approaching...
  19. http://www.chinaenvironmentallaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/not-welcome.jpg
  20. I'd rather Ashley Tisdale!!
  21. Except this is a pretty s*** bowl of ice cream. P.S. Of course a Texan would reference death row. OH s***, CIVIL WAR! :frantic: :frantic: Ha Ha - just as long as he doesn't diss the BBQ
  22. Except this is a pretty s*** bowl of ice cream. P.S. Of course a Texan would reference death row. LOL - and FYI I am exiled IN Texas, not actually a Texan
  23. This thread feels like the last meal for a death-row convict. An enjoyable bowl of ice-cream before the inevitable.
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