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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Would rather Houllier and Keegan tbh
  2. added No, I was just letting people know
  3. Even if the Man United player was significantly better? Makes no sense tbh. How do we know though? One of the reserve boys could take to the premiership like ducks to water. As at the 31st August I'd have rather gone with our reserves than a short term fix in a Manu reserve. Rossi may or may not be better. Until they get a chance we will never know
  4. To be honest I'd rather give Carroll or Triosi match time than a Manu reserve we've only got till Jan. Woul dbe different if he was here for the season, but he's not - pointless transfer
  5. Here's the big worry. when Glenn goes, our caretaker is a toss up between Terry Mac and Clarkie. Gulp
  6. You set the standards when it comes to being boring, do you have to practice or does it come natural? -18 places and £millions to prop up Cameron Hall and the Shepherd pension fund, care to comment? Why did our best players and managers want to leave the club ie Cox, Lee, Beardsley, Waddle, Gazza during your golden era and now they don't - care to comment ? I see you still don't answer the earlier question from begbie etc, its because you don't know isn't it I think thats quite a simple one really, we pay overinflated basic wages. That is NOT good management from a boardroom. Where is the incentive for players to bust a gut to (a) get in the first team and (b) give 100% every minute of every game. Answer, there is none. And because no other team will pay these wages we are stuck with said players for a 4-5 year period or have to sell them off at bargain prices to compensate for the wages.
  7. Pav Taylor Bramble Moore/Rampage Bernard/Rampage Parker Emre Milner Zog Rossi Luque If Pav plays and we keep a clean sheet it will be 3 clean shhets with 3 different keepers in a row. Can't be too many teams managed that one!
  8. Irregardless. Sorry like, but this has just given me a flashback to when I worked in America and my boss used to use this word all the time. The word irregardless makes no sense, what you actually meant was regardless. Irregardless has a self-contained double negative. Lots of Americans seem to use irregardless. Sort it out. See? You come on here and you get educated in how to speak PROPER English. Oh my god sad and bored?
  9. Look at Kruls Pants/Shorts, shouldn't the padding be on the knees and not the shins?
  10. Like Bobby Robson deciding to sell Gary Speed, for example? Just looking at the steady decline in the value of the club's assets, posted upthread, it's clear that this is nonsense. Although you are correct that Fat Fred's decision to appoint Souness was a characteristically terrible one, as was Fat Fred's decision to try and redeem that mistake by splashing out too much money on the wrong players. The main reason for the fall in net assets is the dividends being taken by the directors the depreciation on the stadium and the wages paid. Excessive transfer fees may make the cash position look bad, but as MB said above, doesn't really affect net assets
  11. Yesterday Fred gave the vote of confidence, today he's denying the Sven link. Gone by Sunday
  12. Ramage up front?! Glenn's team. He's played Rampage out of position enough already. Why not upfront to stop Luque from playing
  13. Totally against. The last chance we will have in the next 5 years at least to appoint a world class manager. We will have to get lucky (ala Jol at Spurs) to move forward now
  14. I reckon he will go Harper Carr Moore Bramble Babayaro Butt Parker Solano Duff Ramage Sibs Subs Pav Taylor Milner (on for Solano 83) Pattison Bernard Huntington Luque (warm up for 3o mins then sit down)
  15. It goes through profit over the length of his contract. Say he's on a five year contract £1million goes through each year as player ammortisation - thats £83k a month. Peanuts really for the loss. If you take player trading out of the equation we made a loss of £6m this year and last. We just managed to make a big profit on players last year (mainly Jenas) and a a loss this year (no significant sales).
  16. The only impact the Duff signing will have is one months wages
  17. In as sick U-Turn it will be Macbeth who will reveal that he has become a fully paid up memeber of the Freddy Shepherd fan club.
  18. To be fair though Boum went on a free due to being out of contract and turned down Liverpool. £8m was steep, but to say he was always going to be a flop is unfair. He did have the credentials when we bought him (but £4m would have been more realsitic). As for Senor Albert he has been coveted by Barce and Real for years. His character appears to be wrong for the Premier League but based on his La Liga form £10m was about right again. They just go down on that long list of failures at SJP
  19. Its just the undercard for the heavyweight MacBeth vs NE5 battle to the death later
  20. Btw, take out player ammortisation, impairment and profit on sale of players (which have no bearing on cash profit realy) and we made a £6m loss for both years
  21. I'll probably get linked to an American website, and you know what Americans are like when it comes to accounts, balance sheets etc. Newcastle's accounts are prepared under IFRS - whcih are closer to traditional US GAAP than UK. Which words do you expect T27 to get - IFRS, GAAP or UK? Certainly not whcih!
  22. OK. Can I make it clear that I do Economics, not Financial accounting, and therefore there is no actual reason for me to know this stuff. I did Economics too, and I can't swear to it, but I'm sure I wouldn't have expected an employer to be currently liable for all future earnings of its employees. If that's the case, can I show all of my future profits from now til the end of time as an enormous asset? bluebigrazz.gif The difference I've perceived though, is that you can be sacked, made redundant etc with 4 weeks notice. The contracts players sign are a lot different, as they are for a fixed duration of time, and therefore, a club has to pay out the contract if they want to release the player. Not that you do any accounting at work (despite being an accountant) so you wouldn't know. Following that through then, a normal business would have to show a liability for 4 weeks (or whatever the notice period is) wages for its staff. They don't, similarly if you ar eon a six month contract the business doesn't show the 6 months wages
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