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Everything posted by samag

  1. samag

    Loïc Remy

    Doubt you will get a better forward for that price...
  2. samag

    Adam Armstrong

    I know better than anyone that Coventry City supporters are full of s***. We could be in the same league next season and having to use Armstrong ourselves, so there's absolutely no way we'd be agreeing loans for next season now. That said, Coventry are absolutely desperate for a half decent keeper. No idea if its true as I live in South Australia , we just have a bit of banter when in comes into the warehouse where I work every now and again.
  3. samag

    Steve McClaren

    As long as we can get someone in better, Any idea which mug that would be ? Moyes or Rodgers ? Moyes maybe would come , but not sure Rodgers is any better to be honest. Maybe we can find another club hero to come in with 8 games left to save us and then bin for Paul Simpson at beginning of next season :-) Or is Big Joe ready for a comeback :-) Moyes probably our best option I suspect I be happy with Moyes to be honest ., what is lee Clark doing these days ?
  4. samag

    Steve McClaren

    As long as we can get someone in better, Any idea which mug that would be ? Moyes or Rodgers ? Moyes maybe would come , but not sure Rodgers is any better to be honest.
  5. samag

    Steve McClaren

    As long as we can get someone in better, Any idea which mug that would be ?
  6. samag

    Adam Armstrong

    Coventry city fan who comes into our works reckons Armstrong signed a new long term contract with Newcastle and will be back on loan next season also with a young goalkeeper ( Woodman I presume ).. No idea how true it is . if it is true then Armstrong is still a long way from the first team ,
  7. You are right , Just hope we can get someone in who can score goals, it will lift everyone and maybe help Mitrovic also.
  8. Unlucky? It's just not good enough. Thought it was a good save by the keeper more than a bad miss.
  9. Any comments about tthe lack of goals from Ian Wright. ? seems to like to tell us how well Pardew was doimg earlier in the season.
  10. I thought he played well apart from the finishing, Hopefully this will improve if so think we will have a really good centre forward.
  11. samag

    Steve McClaren

    Very much my view, Hopefully he will have enough to keep us up this season, then really it will be all down to him and his staff how well we go next Season.. We do look at better team now than 12 months ago with caver and stone in charge.
  12. Nicklas Bendtner now been linked lol..
  13. Daily mail reporting that he has told friends he signing a dive year deal with Newcastle. so it must be true
  14. He will get a big pay rise i would imagine..
  15. You're right, although we do need a LB eventually. On top of buying our essentials, we may as well add Jetro in for LB as well if we really believe he is quality. He'd be fit before the end of season and still can contribute. Otherwise we get to end of year and potentially lose him and have to look elsewhere. Would he pass a medical if he is out injured ?
  16. well it must be true as its in the papers.. Why do people jump up and down and go mad at every thing in news papers ?
  17. Hardly surprising as he been injured most of the time he's been there. so why would they miss him ?
  18. If the storey is true, we be mad not to take him for the rest of season
  19. Not really sure what he is ment to say in the press. most mangers keep quiet about transfers . Cannot see a problem with it myself.
  20. the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad the MD proved last season he knows not a f***ing thing about the game of football ashley is absent and concentrating on SD which is worth billions leaving all control to charnley carr is a scout and there's nothing worth saying about moncur my prediction is very little useful transfer business if any and relegation, a normal club would ensure at least 1 player in for manyoo in order to try and make something happen, not this set of clueless bellends the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad How do you work out he too much of a coward to ask for players ? unreal statement, unless you go to the board meetings .... we have 17 points after 20 games man, everyone who has watched us knows we're in desperate need of players all over the pitch and a manager in his situation traditionally would be putting the onus on the board by publicly stating he needs players to make changes but steve is either too scared of losing his job to do so (a la mr pardew) or he's agreed it all up front (as mr pardew might have done tbf) what's the alternative, that he thinks everything really is fine? not a very good one Just because he does not come out in the press and say things does not make him a coward. as I say unreal statement. I am sure with his job on the line he will be asking for more players. unreal to think he not. But as everyone knows the manager at Newcastle has little if any say on transfers. of course they're not the only two options known to man in this scenario, but they're the most likely knowing what we know of the people in charge and the way they operate he's on the board ffs, he knows what's going on or we've been lied to about that as well what gives you faith in any level of honesty at the club after all this time with ashley, 4 years of pardew and then carver? I have no faith, but my point is you called him a coward not asking for players. how do work this out . unless you are in meeting with them you have no idea what is said, like everyone on here. I am sure most managers would like to strengthen their squads each window, so I would imagine he would ask for new players. no i offered two options; first he's a coward because he won't come out and publicly say we need a fresh injection of players ASAP or we're going to be relegated, second he's complicit with charnley et al as part of the board in not doing anything or doing the bare minimum he's supposed to be a football manager man, it shouldn't be his job to manage expectations for the board if that's what he's doing - it should be his job to scream and shout to get more players in because if we don't we're getting relegated...if he comes out and says he wants 4 players in key positions then the pressure is on ashley and charnley isn't it? so he's either afraid to say it, doesn't think it needs saying, or is complicit with the c***s in charge take your pick Just because he says not much in the press does not make him a coward or put pressure on others. too much crap is spoken in the press, we do not know what said in private how much if any money is there for new players.. Neither Ashley or Charnley seem to take much notice of what is said in the press. Everyone should have worked that out by now.. Pardew all over again this like. f***'s sake man. Of course it is. He's the mouthpiece for the board just as Pardew was and people are falling over themselves to convince themselves it's not happening. If we sign a few good players for positions we need I'll hold my hands up like but imo he knows he's not getting what he wants just like Pardew always knew. He should have walked or went public over the Colo fiasco but he set the tone with that really, pliable doormat. Suppose if he's a man of integrity and there's no significant action come 31st January we might well see him resign eh. not many mangers go public about transfers, he knew the job when he took it . so why would he walk away ? All I see him saying about transfers is that the club do things in private. No it's good people still have faith like, faith that he has enough professional integrity not to be Pardew mk2 when everything he's doing and saying suggests that's exactly what he is I have no faith at all in the man but just because he not shouting for players in the press does not mean much to me. If he does not know he needs new players then he should not be in the job.
  21. the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad the MD proved last season he knows not a f***ing thing about the game of football ashley is absent and concentrating on SD which is worth billions leaving all control to charnley carr is a scout and there's nothing worth saying about moncur my prediction is very little useful transfer business if any and relegation, a normal club would ensure at least 1 player in for manyoo in order to try and make something happen, not this set of clueless bellends the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad How do you work out he too much of a coward to ask for players ? unreal statement, unless you go to the board meetings .... we have 17 points after 20 games man, everyone who has watched us knows we're in desperate need of players all over the pitch and a manager in his situation traditionally would be putting the onus on the board by publicly stating he needs players to make changes but steve is either too scared of losing his job to do so (a la mr pardew) or he's agreed it all up front (as mr pardew might have done tbf) what's the alternative, that he thinks everything really is fine? not a very good one Just because he does not come out in the press and say things does not make him a coward. as I say unreal statement. I am sure with his job on the line he will be asking for more players. unreal to think he not. But as everyone knows the manager at Newcastle has little if any say on transfers. of course they're not the only two options known to man in this scenario, but they're the most likely knowing what we know of the people in charge and the way they operate he's on the board ffs, he knows what's going on or we've been lied to about that as well what gives you faith in any level of honesty at the club after all this time with ashley, 4 years of pardew and then carver? I have no faith, but my point is you called him a coward not asking for players. how do work this out . unless you are in meeting with them you have no idea what is said, like everyone on here. I am sure most managers would like to strengthen their squads each window, so I would imagine he would ask for new players. no i offered two options; first he's a coward because he won't come out and publicly say we need a fresh injection of players ASAP or we're going to be relegated, second he's complicit with charnley et al as part of the board in not doing anything or doing the bare minimum he's supposed to be a football manager man, it shouldn't be his job to manage expectations for the board if that's what he's doing - it should be his job to scream and shout to get more players in because if we don't we're getting relegated...if he comes out and says he wants 4 players in key positions then the pressure is on ashley and charnley isn't it? so he's either afraid to say it, doesn't think it needs saying, or is complicit with the c***s in charge take your pick Just because he says not much in the press does not make him a coward or put pressure on others. too much crap is spoken in the press, we do not know what said in private how much if any money is there for new players.. Neither Ashley or Charnley seem to take much notice of what is said in the press. Everyone should have worked that out by now.. Pardew all over again this like. f***'s sake man. Of course it is. He's the mouthpiece for the board just as Pardew was and people are falling over themselves to convince themselves it's not happening. If we sign a few good players for positions we need I'll hold my hands up like but imo he knows he's not getting what he wants just like Pardew always knew. He should have walked or went public over the Colo fiasco but he set the tone with that really, pliable doormat. Suppose if he's a man of integrity and there's no significant action come 31st January we might well see him resign eh. not many mangers go public about transfers, he knew the job when he took it . so why would he walk away ? All I see him saying about transfers is that the club do things in private.
  22. the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad the MD proved last season he knows not a f***ing thing about the game of football ashley is absent and concentrating on SD which is worth billions leaving all control to charnley carr is a scout and there's nothing worth saying about moncur my prediction is very little useful transfer business if any and relegation, a normal club would ensure at least 1 player in for manyoo in order to try and make something happen, not this set of clueless bellends the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad How do you work out he too much of a coward to ask for players ? unreal statement, unless you go to the board meetings .... we have 17 points after 20 games man, everyone who has watched us knows we're in desperate need of players all over the pitch and a manager in his situation traditionally would be putting the onus on the board by publicly stating he needs players to make changes but steve is either too scared of losing his job to do so (a la mr pardew) or he's agreed it all up front (as mr pardew might have done tbf) what's the alternative, that he thinks everything really is fine? not a very good one Just because he does not come out in the press and say things does not make him a coward. as I say unreal statement. I am sure with his job on the line he will be asking for more players. unreal to think he not. But as everyone knows the manager at Newcastle has little if any say on transfers. of course they're not the only two options known to man in this scenario, but they're the most likely knowing what we know of the people in charge and the way they operate he's on the board ffs, he knows what's going on or we've been lied to about that as well what gives you faith in any level of honesty at the club after all this time with ashley, 4 years of pardew and then carver? I have no faith, but my point is you called him a coward not asking for players. how do work this out . unless you are in meeting with them you have no idea what is said, like everyone on here. I am sure most managers would like to strengthen their squads each window, so I would imagine he would ask for new players. no i offered two options; first he's a coward because he won't come out and publicly say we need a fresh injection of players ASAP or we're going to be relegated, second he's complicit with charnley et al as part of the board in not doing anything or doing the bare minimum he's supposed to be a football manager man, it shouldn't be his job to manage expectations for the board if that's what he's doing - it should be his job to scream and shout to get more players in because if we don't we're getting relegated...if he comes out and says he wants 4 players in key positions then the pressure is on ashley and charnley isn't it? so he's either afraid to say it, doesn't think it needs saying, or is complicit with the c***s in charge take your pick Just because he says not much in the press does not make him a coward or put pressure on others. too much crap is spoken in the press, we do not know what said in private how much if any money is there for new players.. Neither Ashley or Charnley seem to take much notice of what is said in the press. Everyone should have worked that out by now..
  23. the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad the MD proved last season he knows not a f***ing thing about the game of football ashley is absent and concentrating on SD which is worth billions leaving all control to charnley carr is a scout and there's nothing worth saying about moncur my prediction is very little useful transfer business if any and relegation, a normal club would ensure at least 1 player in for manyoo in order to try and make something happen, not this set of clueless bellends the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad How do you work out he too much of a coward to ask for players ? unreal statement, unless you go to the board meetings .... we have 17 points after 20 games man, everyone who has watched us knows we're in desperate need of players all over the pitch and a manager in his situation traditionally would be putting the onus on the board by publicly stating he needs players to make changes but steve is either too scared of losing his job to do so (a la mr pardew) or he's agreed it all up front (as mr pardew might have done tbf) what's the alternative, that he thinks everything really is fine? not a very good one Just because he does not come out in the press and say things does not make him a coward. as I say unreal statement. I am sure with his job on the line he will be asking for more players. unreal to think he not. But as everyone knows the manager at Newcastle has little if any say on transfers. of course they're not the only two options known to man in this scenario, but they're the most likely knowing what we know of the people in charge and the way they operate he's on the board ffs, he knows what's going on or we've been lied to about that as well what gives you faith in any level of honesty at the club after all this time with ashley, 4 years of pardew and then carver? I have no faith, but my point is you called him a coward not asking for players. how do work this out . unless you are in meeting with them you have no idea what is said, like everyone on here. I am sure most managers would like to strengthen their squads each window, so I would imagine he would ask for new players.
  24. the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad the MD proved last season he knows not a f***ing thing about the game of football ashley is absent and concentrating on SD which is worth billions leaving all control to charnley carr is a scout and there's nothing worth saying about moncur my prediction is very little useful transfer business if any and relegation, a normal club would ensure at least 1 player in for manyoo in order to try and make something happen, not this set of clueless bellends the manager is too much of a coward to say what needs saying about the urgent requirement for new players, or he's complicit in agreeing not to sign any which is just as bad How do you work out he too much of a coward to ask for players ? unreal statement, unless you go to the board meetings .... we have 17 points after 20 games man, everyone who has watched us knows we're in desperate need of players all over the pitch and a manager in his situation traditionally would be putting the onus on the board by publicly stating he needs players to make changes but steve is either too scared of losing his job to do so (a la mr pardew) or he's agreed it all up front (as mr pardew might have done tbf) what's the alternative, that he thinks everything really is fine? not a very good one Just because he does not come out in the press and say things does not make him a coward. as I say unreal statement. I am sure with his job on the line he will be asking for more players. unreal to think he not. But as everyone knows the manager at Newcastle has little if any say on transfers.
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