He does this after almost every defeat but tends to disappear when we've won and it's always a bad faith argument, with no intention of taking on anyone else's views.
Yes, I just meant when I saw it, it reminded me of that and then I searched for it and it's incredibly similar in the collision. Definitely worse in as much as he turns and uses his hip. Battiston had concussion, lost teeth and the ref gave a GK.
Christ. That's horribly reminiscent of Schumacher on Battiston in the 82 World cup. Poor bloke lost teeth and all kinds and I think the ref played on as well. Not seen a challenge that bad since.
Fair but "should have won a couple" in about the last 30 visits ain't great like . Lost count of the 0-3 beatings we had in the early 2000s. Still we did get a couple of draws, I remember us scoring twice in the last 10 to get a 2-2 one year so you never know.