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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. The referee is doing everything he can to help his mate Mick it seems..
  2. WUM-tastic sorry. krul was fantastic. his distribution to the other team was just what we needed. I haven't seen the Stevenage game, so can't comment on that, but I am more interested in how 4 out of 5 games he has featured in have been full of mistakes as you claim. He's not been a revelation or anything, but he has been quite decent deputising for Harper and I would say there's not much between them all things considered..
  3. Good shout. For 500k you would think every Premiership club would be willing to take a chance on him..
  4. Better than Bentley tbh, and a set piece specialist to boot. Yes please.
  5. I don't think he's really had a chance for them. Most Arsenal players who don't quite make the grade end up very decent players when they move on though..
  6. Player values in the papers.. If we believe these s*** stirrers we could sell Routledge, get Vela and make a 6m profit..
  7. Almost as bad as Ranger's miss that was..
  8. Some of the Scandinavian Mags said he did OK over there last season. Where did he play?
  9. Never seen Blackburn's Mame Biram Diouf before. Looks a decent player..
  10. I still love watching Van Persie. You could see he was a bit special when he was a youngster at Feyenoord..
  11. Have they never seen wor Shola take one..?
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